In an interview with IRNA on Saturday, Ismail Baybverdi added: "12,000 foreign tourists visited Aran Va Bidgol tourist attractions this year compared to less than 8,000 in the same period last year."
He listed the Marjab Desert, Sanbak and Siyazgah Desert, the underground city of Noshabad and Sefid Shahr, the holy threshold of the Imamate of Helal bin Ali (AS) and Qassim bin Ali (AS) at the top of the list of most visited natural and historical monuments in the city.
Aran and Bidgol county with four subsidiary cities (Aran and Bidgol, Nushabad, Abuzeydabad and Sefidshahr) is the northernmost region of Isfahan province and of the oldest human settlements in Iranian plateau and its history traces back to the Sialk civilization (with about nine thousand years of history).
This county is made of the unification of the two old cities of Aran and Bidgol. The existence of hundreds of old qanat chains, ancient monuments and castles across Dashte Kavir within the vicinity of this county, and some qanat chains that cross from the lower levels of the structure of the old Kashan city, shows the ancient history of development and prosperity in this region. Aran and Bidgol, with unique historical and natural monuments and its own special traditions and customs is considered of the tourist attractions of Isfahan province.
*** Maranjab, most beautiful tourist site in Iran’s desert
Maranjab Desert beside the Salt Lake and sand hills in the desert span of Aran and Bidgol, is a combination of nature, civilization and history.
Maranjab, due to enjoying the four seasons and relative moderation of weather, diversity of tourist attractions, and diversity of animal and plant species is considered one of the most beautiful and unique deserts in the world.
Today, the virgin desert is proud of possessing four precious gifts: Shah Abbasi caravanserai, the Salt Lake, the Wandering Island, and the sand hills.
Maranjab was originally the name of a caravanserai and an aqueduct which was built during Shah Abbas Safavid and later the surrounding area was called Maranjab Desert.
The average height of Maranjab Desert from the sea level is about 850 meters and it is very rich in plant coverage as well as in animal species such as wolf, jackal, hyena, sand fox, sand cat, lizard, chameleon, variety of lizards, snakes, scorpions, eagles and hawks.
The assault of the Uzbeks and Afghans on Kashan through the Salt Lake encourage Shah Abbas to immediately build a military base in the area where always 500 armed guards were maintaining safety of transfer of commodities from China to Europe and vice versa.
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