According to IRNA's Sunday morning report, Martin Griffiths said on his X social media account on Saturday that "there has been nothing limited about the suffering that Israel’s military operation in Rafah has brought to the people of Gaza. As feared it has been a tragedy beyond words.",
"The ground incursion in Rafah has displaced more than 80,000 people, fleeing once again in fear for their lives and arriving in areas without adequate shelter, latrines and clean water", Griffiths wrote in his post, adding that "the attack on Rafah cut off the flow of aid into southern Gaza and crippled a humanitarian operation already stretched beyond its breaking point”.
He also noted that "the Israeli attack has halted the food distribution in the south and slowed the supply of fuel for Gaza's lifelines-bakeries, hospitals, and water wells- to more trickle."
Griffiths, meanwhile, welcomed a recent resolution at the United Nations Security Council in support of humanitarian personnel and UN staff active in this region, as well as the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel stop its military operation in the city of Rafah and reopen the Rafah crossing. "With today’s adoption of the security council resolution 2730 and the ICJ’s order, this is a moment of clarity".
"Though Israel dismissed the international community's appeals to spare Rafah, the global clamor for an immediate stop to the offensive has grown too loud to ignore", the UN humanitarian official said.
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