Apr 30, 2024, 9:07 AM
Journalist ID: 1848
News ID: 85461418
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on April 30

Apr 30, 2024, 9:07 AM
News ID: 85461418
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on April 30

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Tuesday, April 30, 2024:


– FM: Iran ready to help sustainable development of Persian Gulf

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said Iran has been always ready to cooperate with the Persian Gulf states to help sustainable development of the waterway. In a message to a conference held in Tehran on the occasion of the Persian Gulf National Day, the Iranian top diplomat referred to the common values between the people of the Persian Gulf’s states, saying that Tehran is ready to cooperate with all countries in the region in fields ranging from tourism to security.  

– Over 900 arrested at anti-Israel protests in US universities

More than 200 protesters were arrested this weekend as demonstrations continued on college campuses across the US to denounce Israel’s war in Gaza. So far, approximately 900 protesters have been arrested nationwide. Pro-Palestinian students are calling for a cease-fire in Gaza and an end to college ties with companies supplying weapons to Israel. About 275 people were arrested on Saturday on various campuses, including Indiana University at Bloomington, Arizona State University and Washington University in St Louis.

– More joint chambers of commerce participating in Iran Expo 2024

The 6th Export Potential Exhibition of Iran, also known as Iran Expo 2024 as one of the most important events in Iran, provides chances for business people and manufacturers in various sectors and paves the ground for industries to showcase their products. The exhibition unveils Iran’s production and export capabilities and is expected to result in the creation of a competitive environment. Iran Expo 2024, which commenced on Saturday in the capital city of Tehran and will run until Wednesday, has attracted 800 local companies, along with 2,000 international traders and entrepreneurs from 120 countries. During the event, a sum of 3,500 business-to-business meetings have been scheduled, in addition to specialized conferences and webinars aimed at showcasing Iran’s industrial capabilities to international attendees.


– Far-Sighted Leader

The insight of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has kept the Islamic Republic’s upper hand in its deterrent missile prowess.  In the realm of national defense, the Islamic Republic of Iran has maintained a formidable stance thanks in large part to the strategic foresight of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. As the architect behind Iran's missile program, Ayatollah Khamenei's influence has been pivotal in shaping the country's deterrent capabilities.

– Raisi criticizes Western suppression of pro-Palestine protests

The violent suppression of pro-Palestine student protests in Western institutions, especially in the U.S., has drawn opprobrium from Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who noted that it reveals the actual essence of Western culture. During a cabinet meeting on Sunday, Raisi made similar statements, calling the arrests of academics and students that followed the violent repression of anti-Zionist protests “another scandal for self-proclaimed advocates of freedom of expression.”

– Iran decries U.S. police excessive violence against protesters

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has denounced the U.S. police crackdown on students expressing solidarity with the people of Gaza Strip. During his weekly presser on Monday, Kanaani cited the numerous pro-Palestine demonstrations and sit-ins at American universities, pointing out that these events demonstrate the intensity of anti-Zionist sentiment as well as the global public’s vigilance regarding the Palestine issue.  They also highlight the extent of support for the Israeli regime’s genocide in Gaza, which has received backing from the U.S. and some European governments.


– Ben-Gvir: Kill Gazans, no need to detain them

Israel’s extremist security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir recently questioned the necessity of the detention of a large number of Palestinians in Gaza, suggesting that some captives could be “killed” instead of being arrested. According to the Times of Israel, Ben-Gvir was quoted as asking the army chief of staff: “Why are there so many arrests? “Can’t you kill some? Do you want to tell me they all surrender? What are we to do with so many arrested? It’s dangerous for the soldiers.”

– US deploys special forces to crush campus protests

Student protests on US university campuses over Israel’s war on Gaza showed little sign of letting up Monday, with protesters vowing to continue until their demands for US educational bodies to disentangle from companies profiting from the conflict are met. In what is perhaps the most significant student movement since the anti-Vietnam campus protests of the late 1960s, the conflict between pro-Palestinian students and university administrators has revealed an entire subset of conflicts.

– Norway’s FM blasts West’s double standards on Gaza

Norway’s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide on Monday accused the Western countries of double standards on the second day of the World Economic Forum held here. With brutal war unraveling in Gaza and Ukraine, the foreign minister argued that the West’s support for the war-torn European country has been absent when it comes to violations of international law in Gaza. “Many Western countries hesitated to use the same type of language against violations of international humanitarian law, for instance, that we easily apply when they are violated by Russia in Ukraine,” Eide said.


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