Jan 30, 2024, 9:39 PM
Journalist ID: 5391
News ID: 85371022
2 Persons


Iran calls for justice against states supplying weapons to Israeli regime

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland, has called on the international community to hold to account countries that are supplying weapons to Israel as the regime continues with its genocidal war on Palestinians in Gaza.

Mahdi Aliabadi said in a Tuesday statement to the Conference on Disarmament 2024 that the international community should not allow Israeli war crimes and the gross violations of humanitarian law it is committing against people in Gaza to become normal.

“The international community should include in their appeal for justice those states that continue to act as complicit in the Israeli atrocities, particularly those who are providing Israel with lethal weaponry,” said Aliabadi.

He described the United States and certain European countries as “enablers” of Israeli crimes in Gaza by providing it with the most sophisticated weaponry, generous finance and unconditional political support which he said has emboldened the regime to commit more crimes.

The remarks came in response to statements by the US and European allies to the same UN meeting in which they had accused Iran of having a role in the conflict in the Western Asia region.


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