Jan 19, 2024, 2:17 PM
News ID: 85358858
1 Persons

Iran FM spox slams Arab League FMs statement on Erbil incident

Jan 19, 2024, 2:17 PM
News ID: 85358858
Iran FM spox slams Arab League FMs statement on Erbil incident

Tehran, IRNA - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has condemned the Arab League foreign ministers’ statement on Iraq's Erbil incident, noting that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s action was based on the legitimate right to confront terrorist elements affiliated with the Zionist regime who threatened Iran's national security and its citizens.

In reaction to the issued statement by the Arab League foreign ministers, Kanaani rejected its provisions on Friday, saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to deter the sources threatening its national security, as well as defend the security of its citizens and punish criminals.

Respecting Iraq's sovereignty, territorial integrity and good neighborliness is one of the fundamental policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kanaani noted that accordingly, in the past years, especially since the beginning of the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group invading Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran with its responsible approach to preserving the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of this country has been with all its power, along with the Iraqi government, nation, and armed forces.

He added that the Iraqi government is expected to commit to the security agreement signed between the two countries last year and fully implement its provisions.

Iran and Iraq’s relations are strong, all-out, and based on joint interests, he said, adding that it is expected that the Arab League will devote its political, legal, and international efforts and capabilities to stop the brutal and genocide attacks of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, and the lifting of the 75-year occupation of Palestine land and supporting its oppressed nation.

On Wednesday, the Arab League foreign ministers reacted by issuing a joint statement on Iran's recent strikes targeting terrorists in Syria and one of the headquarters of the Israeli spy agency Mossad located in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

According to the statement posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, the ministers condemned the attack on Iraqi soil, calling it an aggression.


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