Jul 10, 2017, 11:03 AM
News ID: 82593011
0 Persons

Snatched Iranian diplomats, asset to Zionists

Jul 10, 2017, 11:03 AM
News ID: 82593011
Snatched Iranian diplomats, asset to Zionists

Tehran, July 10, IRNA – The families of the three Iranian diplomats and a journalist kidnapped in Lebanon by Israel believe that the four kidnapped Iranians are still in the Zionist regime’s prisons and they are an asset to Israel and Tel Aviv won’t let go of them easily.

The families of the snatched Iranians talked to the press in Lebanon on Sunday.

On July 4, 1982, Ahmad Motavasselian, Mohsen Mousavi and Taqi Rastgar-Moqaddam, three diplomats of Iranian Embassy in Beirut, along with Kazem Akhavan, IRNA’s photojournalist were held captive by the Lebanese Phalange forces on their way to work on the route of Tripoli - Beirut.

Raed Mousavi, one of the kipnapped's son, said that although the diplomats had had political immunity, no international body supported them.

He added, “The four Iranians are a strategic asset to the Zionist regime to be used in a dire situation.”

“The Zionist regime has a record of keeping some prisoners for three or four decades, without giving out any information about them,” said Mousavi.

Samir Qantar is a familiar example of long-term prisoners who was freed after 30 years and assassinated by the Zionists soon after his freedom. The Zionists had claimed Qantar was dead and even had shown a picture of his to his family, added Mousavi.

Quoting Karim Qodousi, an Iranian MP, he said, “The detainees are so valuable that if Tavasolian and a Zionist commander need medical care at the same time, saving Tavasolian is more important to the Zionists.”

Saying he was optimistic to the Iranian foreign ministry’s efforts to save them, Mousavi added that the US-backed regime of Israel has no respect for any international laws.

Iranian Parliamentary Director General for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian wrote in his Telegram account on July 4 that the UN and Red Cross Society should seriously resume their efforts to determine the fates of the Iranians taken captive.

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