May 27, 2024, 10:49 AM
News ID: 85490684
2 Persons


Top diplomat: Deepening Iran-Cuba ties to promote multilateralism

May 27, 2024, 10:49 AM
News ID: 85490684
Top diplomat: Deepening Iran-Cuba ties to promote multilateralism

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani says strengthening the Iran-Cuba relations in bilateral and multilateral domains promotes multilateralism around the world.

Speaking at a meeting with Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, the special envoy of the Cuban president, Bagheri Kani appreciated the high-ranking Cuban officials for their messages of condolences over the martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions in a helicopter crash.

He referred to the experience of resistance, solidarity, and integration of the Iranian government and people over the last four decades.

With the support of the people, Iran has always overcome such hardships and turned threats and challenges into opportunities, he added.

He expressed hope that by holding the new round of the Iran-Cuba joint economic commission, “we will witness the implementation of the agreements and MoUs signed during the visit of the presidents of the two countries to Tehran and Havana.”

Meanwhile, Pedroso Cuesta expressed confidence that the Iranian government and people will successfully pass this critical juncture.

He described Iran as the closest friend of Cuba in West Asia and hailed the relations between the two countries.

He also emphasized Cuba’s readiness to promote relations in various fields, especially in the economic field.

The Cuban envoy called for the continuation of close cooperation between the two countries in the international arena to counter the tyrannical and unilateral approach of imperialist powers.


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