Apr 5, 2023, 12:52 PM
Journalist ID: 5391
News ID: 85074422
1 Persons

By Mohsen Pakaein

Baku should return to diplomacy

Apr 5, 2023, 12:52 PM
News ID: 85074422
Baku should return to diplomacy

Tehran, IRNA – The evidence shows that during the past months, the Republic of Azerbaijan has gradually distanced itself from the diplomatic procedure to resolve issues with its neighbors, including with the Islamic Republic of Iran, while it has decided to resort to exchange of messages through the media instead of committing to constructive negotiation.

Normally, when there are differences between countries, embassies are the first to be called for a normalization of the situation. However, the Republic of Azerbaijan has blocked the diplomatic process by suspending the activities of its embassy in Tehran.

On the other hand, the fundamental policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to strengthen relations with its neighbors, and in case of any disputes with its neighbors, it tries to deal with the issues through good faith, patience, and negotiation. Today's approach of Iran toward Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is actually proof of Iran's goodwill to resolve disputes and strengthen relations with its neighbors.

Since the beginning of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia some two decades ago, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always defended the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and during the 44-day war in 2021, the position of the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution was the liberation of all the lands that belonged to Azerbaijan.

Supporting the territorial integrity of neighboring countries and maintaining international borders is Iran's fundamental position. However, authorities and the media in the Republic of Azerbaijan want to interpret such a position as favoring Armenia. The Islamic Republic of Iran has relations with both Armenia and Azerbaijan within the framework of its good neighborliness policy and these relations are not against the interests of other countries. One of the disputes between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan is Baku’s attempt to create a land road through the territory of Armenia between its mainland and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, a link that has become known as the Zangzor corridor.

Tehran believes that such a move if it is accompanied by the violation of the territorial integrity of Armenia and the occupation of areas in this country will cause an effective elimination of land borders between Iran and Armenia and will change the geopolitics of the region.

Iran announced its fundamental position when Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 cities of the Republic of Azerbaijan were occupied by Armenia, and now it has the same policy regarding the Zangzor corridor and the position is logical and is based on international standards. The media policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is to introduce Tehran as a supporter of Armenia and to turn the pro-Iran feelings of its people into a sense of Iranophobia.

Also, the Republic of Azerbaijan should not ignore Israel's role in destroying the relations between Tehran and Baku. In principle, one of Tel Aviv's objectives of being present in the countries around Iran is to destroy their relations with Tehran. Unfortunately, the activities of the Zionist regime have increased in the Republic of Azerbaijan and this regime has more opportunity to destroy relations between Tehran and Baku.

Israel is not a friend of Muslim countries and uses these countries as a tool to achieve its own goals, including prolonging its occupation of Palestine. Currently, the situation of the Zionist regime is completely unstable, and even Zionist analysts have predicted a collapse of the regime.

The opening of the embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the occupied territories and the following meeting between Azerbaijani minister of foreign affairs Jihon Bayramov and a person like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who today is hated by the Zionists, was a miscalculation that indicates the weakness of diplomacy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In a meeting with Bayramov, Israel's foreign minister Eli Cohen said: “Israel and Azerbaijan have a similar understanding of Iran's threats, and the Islamic Republic, in addition to threatening our regions, also destabilizes the entire Middle East.”

It was expected that the Republic of Azerbaijan, as a friend and neighbor of Iran, would give a strong response to the Israeli minister and his invitation to create an axis against Iran.

The Republic of Azerbaijan should take the lead and return to the path of negotiation and diplomacy with Iran and avoid making insulting and baseless media claims against Iran. There is no doubt that the media in this country is completely under the control of the government, and the harsh rhetoric adopted by the Azerbaijani media against Iran has automatically translated into a kind of coldness in bilateral relations.

Iran has always had very good relations with Azerbaijan and these relations can be revived by restoring communications and by resolving disputes.


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