Sep 24, 2022, 12:42 PM
Journalist ID: 5331
News ID: 84896762
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West’s paradoxical stances in dealing with terrorism, human rights

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s act of showing a picture of Martyr General Qassem Soleimani at the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York proved the contradiction of Western powers’ claims of fighting terrorism and backing human rights.

The Iranian president tried to echo the voice of the Iranian nation at the UNGA when he addressed the world nations and raised the challenges of today’s globe.

The White House initiated creating crises in the Middle East in June 2014; then, Daesh terrorist group tried to wreak havoc in West Asia and the US claimed it wanted to fight the terrorists, which bore no fruit.

But the Islamic Republic of Iran with the help of its commander – Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani – started fighting the terrorists in the region. American commanders even acknowledged his role in defeating Daesh.

However, the then US president Donald Trump ordered his assassination in Baghdad on January 3, 2020; the Islamic Republic will not forget the heinous crime.

Therefore, the Iranian president reminded the terrorist act in his first speech at the UN General Assembly.

Raisi called for bringing the former US president and other culprits involved in the crimes to justice, adding that the commander of destructing Daesh was General Soleimani, who was assassinated by the former US president.

The Iranian president used the opportunity of his UN speech to declare the Iranians’ demand for fighting terrorism because the nation has been one of the most important victims of terrorism.

President Raisi further pointed to the West’s double standard, when it comes to peaceful Iranian nuclear activity, noting that Western behavior indicates injustice in today’s world.

Raisi underlined that Iran does not seek to pursue a nuclear bomb because atomic weapons have no place in the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine.

Referring to the sanctions, he noted that the Islamic Republic signed the 2015 nuclear agreement to get rid of the embargo, but the Western powers imposed the cruelest sanctions on Iran following the US withdrawal from the deal in 2018.

However, the Islamic Republic has reiterated that the US and European trio (Britain, France, and Germany) should show political determination to pave the way for achieving a win-win agreement concerning the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the lifting of anti-Iran sanctions because the embargo policy is in contradiction to the West’s claims of supporting human rights.


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