Jan 13, 2022, 7:46 PM
Journalist ID: 1195
News ID: 84612439
4 Persons


Iranian commander promises more satellite launches

Jan 13, 2022, 7:46 PM
News ID: 84612439
Iranian commander promises more satellite launches

Qom, IRNA - Commander of IRGC Aerospace Force said on Thursday that Iran will launch more satellites by using inexpensive propellers.

Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh mentioned the successful test last week of solid-fuel satellite carrier and said that it was made of non-metal materials and its propeller had no moving parts which helps save energy and costs.

He said Iran has progressed so much in aerospace and satellite field that assassinations, threats and sanctions won’t impact it anymore.

He cited the US CENTCOM Commander saying that Iran has gained air dominance by developing drones.

The commander also said that Iran’s High Space Council held a meeting this year for the first time after ten years and outlined the future path for Iran’s aerospace industry which is slated to make great progress in the future.


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