Dec 9, 2021, 2:11 PM
News ID: 84571194
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Number of Dubai-Bandar Abbas flights increase

Dec 9, 2021, 2:11 PM
News ID: 84571194
Number of Dubai-Bandar Abbas flights increase

Bandar Abbas, IRNA - The number of air travels between Bandar Abbas Flight 655 Martyrs International Airport and Dubai, capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has more than doubled, an official said. 

Abuzar Ziaie, General Manager of Hormozgan Airports, said on Thursday that Emiratis and Iranian companies have increased weekly flights from three to seven.
According to the official, Iran Air and Fly Dubai are performing seven flights per week to transfer passengers between Bandar Abbas and Dubai.
The air travels are being conducted all through the week except Mondays and Thursdays.
Ziaie also noted that 17 flights from the Bandar Abbas Flight 655 Martyrs International Airport to other airports in Iran are being carried out.
Bandar Abbas is the capital of Hormozgan province on the southern coast of Iran near the Persian Gulf. 
In 1988, the US Navy shot down an Iranian plane out of the sky, killing 290 people.
The USS Vincennes saw Iran Air Flight 655 on its radar and as the Americans claimed they confused the Airbus 300 for a fighter jet. The US shot it down with a missile, killing everyone on board.


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