Apr 22, 2019, 11:12 PM
News ID: 83288097
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US sanctions waviers mean nothing to Tehran: Spox

Apr 22, 2019, 11:12 PM
News ID: 83288097
US sanctions waviers mean nothing to Tehran: Spox

Tehran, April 22, IRNA – As Iran regards the US sanctions on the country as illegal, it basically gives no credit to exemptions from these sanctions, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Monday.

Mousavi made the remarks a few hours after White House issued a statement saying US will not extend exemptions granted to some buyers of Iranian oil.

Mousavi however noted that the negative impacts of these sanctions are likely to exacerbate as the exemptions has not been extended and therefore Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in constant contact with related internal bodies and is also busy negotiating with foreign allies, either the European and international ones and the neighbors in this regard.

He said that the results of these contacts and negotiations will be conveyed to high decision making bodies of the Iranian system to adopt and announce the due decision in regard to the new developments.

Despite the global concerns about the probable turbulences in the oil market, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in a press conference earlier today, took another unilateral hostile step against the Islamic Republic of Iran announcing the exemptions granted to some buyers of Iranian oil will not be extended any more.


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