Oct 26, 2024, 11:37 PM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 85640294
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Behind the scenes of making claims on three Iranian Persian Gulf islands

Tehran, IRNA – The British government is behind the scenes of the United Arab Emirates making claims about the three Iranian islands of the Persian Gulf, as the British government is trying to put pressure on Iran by including the European Union in these claims, considering the developments in the region, especially the war in Ukraine.

Regarding the joint statement of the European Union and the member states of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and the repetition of the claims of the United Arab Emirates regarding the three islands of Iran, it should be said that the UAE, with the instigation and support of the United Kingdom and the United States, is the designer of this baseless claim.

The fate of the three islands was determined before the victory of the Islamic Revolution and their belonging to Iran was decided. When Iran gave up Bahrain during the second Pahlavi period due to the conspiracy of Britain, this country announced to the Shah of Iran that in exchange for the handing over of Bahrain, the three Iranian islands they occupied belonged to Iran and they returned them to Iran.

This issue is also mentioned in the diary of "Emart Maamour" written by Manouchehr Behnam, the first ambassador of Iran to the United Arab Emirates. Mr. Behnam has mentioned in part of his memoirs: Sheikh Zaid, the UAE’s king sent a letter to the Shah of Iran, in which he announced that they have no claim on the three islands of the Lesser Tunb, the Greater Tunb and Abu Musa, and the documents of this issue are available at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran.

After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, England, because of its hostility against Iran, provoked the UAE to raise the issue of the three islands so that this issue becomes an obstacle for the development of Iran's relations with the Persian Gulf countries. At the same time, the recent support of the European Union for the UAE's claims should also be considered in the context of the developments in the region and the war in Ukraine and the pressure on Iran.

There is no doubt that the three islands are under the ownership of Iran, and even now Iran exercises sovereignty over these islands and the flag of our country has been raised on these islands. Even a number of Emirati Arabs who are on these islands live under the rule of Iran and have no worries about their presence oin these islands.

The actions of the European Union show that they are seeking to continue their hostile behavior against Iran and are trying to advance their goals in the region by provoking the UAE.

Basically, in terms of legality, these claims have no place. The whole world knows that these claims have a political aspect and these three islands will never be separated from Iran. The countries of the Persian Gulf, which sometimes agree with the UAE, are aware that these islands are part of the territorial integrity of Iran. As a result, the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, especially some of them that have special and high-level relations with Iran, are expected not to question their good intentions and not to deprive Iran of their trust by revising their alignment and complying with the UAE's wishes.


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