Sep 23, 2024, 5:26 PM
Journalist ID: 1852
News ID: 85605238
5 Persons


Pezeshkian's address at the UN: A message of peace and stability from Iran

Throughout modern history, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has stood as one of the most important international platforms for global dialogue and engagement between countries and nations. This global forum serves not only as a stage for governments to present their positions but also as an arena for influencing the international system. In this context, the participation of high-level officials, especially heads of state, offers a unique opportunity to present their country, highlight their domestic and foreign policies, and even reshape their nation's image in the global public eye.

For Iran, a country with a significant role in West Asia and on the global stage, participating in this major event carries particular importance. In recent years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced numerous challenges, including international pressure and economic sanctions, as well as efforts by its adversaries to propagate “Iranophobia” on the global stage. These efforts aim to hinder or limit Iran’s relationships with other nations and peoples.

Western media, operating under the umbrella of a broader soft war waged by Western governments, have played a prominent role in shaping Iran's image worldwide, often portraying the country through a biased and negative lens. In this environment, the UNGA podium presents a rare opportunity to offer a new, fair, and realistic image of the Islamic Republic, a portrayal that accurately reflects Iran’s peace-seeking efforts, achievements, and policies both regionally and globally.

The presence of Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran's president at this year's UNGA is noteworthy for several reasons. With his extensive background in politics, medical expertise, and international academic standing, Pezeshkian can introduce a fresh and distinct voice from Iran to the global community. His participation will send a strong message from Iran to the world, a message demonstrating the country’s commitment to multilateral cooperation, peaceful conflict resolution, and sustainable development. This opportunity must not be squandered.

The president's speech at the General Assembly should not only outline Iran's positions on international issues but also serve as a proactive effort to correct the false image that some countries and media have projected onto Iran. The inaccurate depiction of Iran as a supporter of violence and regional instability has had negative consequences, not only on global public opinion but also on Iran's diplomatic relations with other nations. The president must clearly and convincingly communicate Iran's commitment to peace, stability, and international cooperation.

One of the most critical aspects of the president’s appearance at the UNGA is the emphasis on Iran’s constructive role in combating terrorism and extremism. Over the past years, Iran has played a key role in fighting terrorist groups like ISIS, and without these efforts, the face of West Asia would look very different today. These efforts, made in the interest of regional and global security, should be properly articulated. The world must understand that the stability they enjoy today owes much to the sacrifices of the Iranian people in their fight against terrorism.

The UNGA provides the perfect platform to highlight these efforts, and the president must take full advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate that Iran, as a responsible global actor, remains committed to combating terrorism and extremism and ensuring regional and global security. Moreover, the president can use this platform to shed light on the devastating impact of economic sanctions on the Iranian people and the injustice imposed by global powers through these sanctions. These unjust and inhumane sanctions have not only affected the Iranian government but have also had direct negative consequences for ordinary citizens and the nation’s economy.

The president should seize this opportunity to show the global community that Iran is seeking constructive engagement and the reduction of tensions, and that sanctions are not beneficial for global peace and security. In fact, they exacerbate the divisions between Iran's government, its people, and the powers imposing these sanctions.

Given the aforementioned, it is essential to stress that Iran’s president must approach the UNGA with a multi-dimensional and comprehensive strategy. In addition to addressing Iran’s political and security positions, he should also touch on key topics that can positively influence Iran’s global image. One such issue is sustainable development and environmental protection. Despite facing economic challenges and international sanctions, Iran has remained committed to environmental preservation and combating climate change. By emphasizing these topics, the president can demonstrate that Iran, as a responsible nation, values global issues and is striving for sustainable development and environmental conservation.

Iran's scientific and medical advancements in recent years could also serve as a strong point in this speech. Given Pezeshkian’s medical and scientific background, he is uniquely positioned to present Iran’s achievements in public health and its role in fighting infectious diseases in West Asia.

It is vital to recognize that the president’s speech at the UNGA is an opportunity that requires great care and precision. Every word spoken must be regarded as a key diplomatic message not only to other governments but also to the global public. Therefore, it is essential that the tone and content of this speech be strong, dignified, and free from any potential to escalate tensions or provoke. The president must adopt a rational and constructive approach, emphasizing the importance of diplomacy and dialogue, and showing that Iran has consistently sought international engagement and cooperation.

The president should also clearly articulate Iran’s stance on key regional issues, such as the crises in Syria and Yemen, and most notably, the issue of Palestine and the Gaza conflict. As a major player in West Asia, Iran has consistently worked to resolve these issues, and the president should use this platform to explain Iran's constructive role in addressing these crises.

It is important to remember the crucial role public diplomacy and media play in shaping global public opinion. The president’s presence at the UNGA should not be limited to his speech; bilateral and multilateral meetings with other world leaders are equally important in strengthening Iran’s diplomatic ties with other countries. Furthermore, global media play a critical role in shaping Iran’s image worldwide. After the speech, there must be sustained engagement with international media and non-governmental organizations to ensure that Iran’s message is correctly conveyed to the world.

In conclusion, the UN General Assembly offers Iran an opportunity to present a dignified image to the world. A strong presence by the president, coupled with constructive, logical, and peace-seeking rhetoric, can significantly improve Iran’s global image. This speech should not only serve as Iran’s official message to other governments but also as a message to the global public. By focusing on themes such as engagement, international cooperation, sustainable development, and peaceful conflict resolution, Iran can enhance its standing in the international system and create a favorable environment for advancing its national interests.

*Navid Kamali is as senior analyst on strategic issues and foreign policy

**Views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the IRNA.

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