Jul 3, 2024, 8:15 AM
Journalist ID: 1848
News ID: 85527588
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on July 3

Jul 3, 2024, 8:15 AM
News ID: 85527588
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on July 3

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, July 3, 2024:


- Iran to back Hezbollah in case of all-out Israeli war

An adviser to Iran’s Leader warned that if Israel launches an all-out offensive against Hezbollah resistance movement in Lebanon, it would risk triggering a regional war in which Tehran and the “axis of resistance” would support the Lebanese movement with “all means”. Kamal Kharrazi, foreign affairs adviser to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, told the Financial Times that the Islamic Republic was “not interested” in a regional war and urged the US to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation.

- Iran urges European action against Israel’s crimes in Gaza

Iran’s interim President Mohammad Mokhbar called on Italy, Hungary, Spain, Serbia, Finland and Australia to take measures to stop Israel’s crimes in Gaza. He made the remarks in separate meetings with new ambassadors of the European countries who submitted a copy of their credentials in Tehran on Tuesday. During his meeting with Italy’s new ambassador Paola Amadei, Mokhbar said that Iran expects Italy, as a country with a rich and ancient civilization and culture, to take effective measures to stop the Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip despite the support of certain countries to the occupying entity.

- Iran exports crude to 17 countries: Oil minister

Iran’s oil minister said the country is currently exporting crude oil to 17 countries, including some in Europe, and that the Iranian petroleum exports, concerning the preparations already made, will face no obstacles as to what administration assumes office in the United States.   Speaking at a ceremony on Tuesday, Javad Owji stated that good investment has been made in the past three years in the oil industry, Tasnim News Agency reported.


- Iran has Hezbollah's back

An advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei issued a stark warning in a recent interview with British media: any Israeli attack on Lebanon would trigger a decisive response from Iran and the entire Axis of Resistance in support of Hezbollah. Kamal Kharrazi told The Financial Times that Tehran was “not interested” in a regional war, but would support the Lebanese resistance group with “all means.”

- 270 days of war and crime against Gaza

Two hundred and seventy days have passed since the start of the military operation and the horrible crimes of the Zionists in the Gaza Strip. This terrible tragedy has set unprecedented records in terms of the volume and depth of brutality committed in contemporary history.  In this unequal war, hospitals and medical facilities were bombed several times and occupied following Israel’s military raids. Medical staff were also arrested and tortured by the forces of the terrorist army of the Israeli regime.

- Tourism and cultural heritage: a dual mandate for Iran’s next president

As Iran approaches its run-off presidential election on July 5, the national tourism sector, which has rarely been addressed during recent debates, faces a pivotal moment. Whether it’s the principlist Saeed Jalili or pro-reform Masoud Pezeshkian, the winner will be heavily responsible for seizing existing opportunities to revive tourism. In that regard, there are many fundamental issues that the next Iranian president needs to focus on much more than his predecessors.


- Iran election debate: Heated but civilized

The two candidates vying for president outlined their blueprints and strategies on political and cultural issues during two two-hour televised debate aired on Monday and Tuesday nights. The debates were held before the July 5 presidential runoff vote featuring Masoud Pezeshkian and Saeed Jalili. 

- Kharrazi: Iran to support Hezbollah by ‘all means’

An adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has warned that if Israel launches an all-out war against Hezbollah, it will risk triggering a regional war in which Tehran and the “axis of resistance” will support the Lebanese resistance movement with “all means”.

- Zionist troops prepare for invasion of Khan Yunis

The Israeli military Tuesday bombarded southern Gaza, martyring at least eight and wounding dozens in Khan Yunis, after ordering some 250,000 Palestinians in the area to evacuate early Monday.  The shelling came after the Zionist regime released Muhammad Abu Selmia, the director of Shifa hospital – formerly Gaza’s largest – who said that he and other detainees had been held in harsh conditions and tortured.


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