Jun 12, 2024, 5:11 AM
Journalist ID: 5537
News ID: 85506271
2 Persons


No logic behind E3 anti-Iran resolution at IAEA: Russia

Jun 12, 2024, 5:11 AM
News ID: 85506271
No logic behind E3 anti-Iran resolution at IAEA: Russia

London, IRNA - Russia's ambassador and permanent representative to Vienna-based International Organizations calls unnecessary and illogical a resolution at the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) under the pretext of increasing Iran's cooperation with the agency.

According to IRNA's report on Tuesday, Mikhail Ulyanov said in an interview with Russia 24 channel: When an action is taken in the international sphere, the first question you naturally ask yourself and others is why? What does it mean? But in this case, we do not have a logical answer to these questions.

He added that Western countries - England, Germany and France – claim that they can no longer silently observe Iran's lack of active cooperation with the IAEA. But this issue has a history and everyone must have been convinced over the years that steps such as issuing a resolution or a statement against Iran will always be accompanied by a response from Tehran.

The Russian ambassador continued: "Until now, issuing such statements or resolutions has not helped to solve the problems. However, our Western and European partners continue on the same path".

The Russian diplomat also took a jab at Washington, saying the Americans treated the initiative put forth by European Troika coldly, but in the end they voted in favor of this resolution.

Lack of logic behind E3 anti-Iran resolution at IAEA: Russia

He criticized for issuing anti-Iran resolution while the country was still mourning the tragic demise of President and Foreign Minister and several others in a copter crash. “It is not humane that such a resolution is issued only a few days after mourning the death of the president and their foreign minister. The authors of this resolution did not have political and diplomatic considerations, and the general content of this resolution does not indicate intelligent diplomacy either”.

In response to a question about the possible consequences of this resolution, Ulyanov said, “In the worst case, this may be referred to the UN Security Council”, but added that Russia and China will not allow such a thing.

Regarding the IAEA inspections of Iran's nuclear activities, he also said that although the 2015 landmark deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not fully implemented, the amount of verification and supervision by the agency in Iran is constantly increasing and Iran is one of the countries where the most inspections are carried out.

The resolution proposed by Britain, France and Germany, together known as E3 or Troika against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program was approved by the IAEA’s Board of Governors last week, with 20 votes in favor, 2 votes against and 12 abstentions. It asks Tehran to take "necessary and urgent measures" to resolve the alleged safeguard issues.


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