May 31, 2024, 10:35 AM
Journalist ID: 1114
News ID: 85495092
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Iran reiterates political solution to situation in Syria

May 31, 2024, 10:35 AM
News ID: 85495092
Iran reiterates political solution to situation in Syria

New York, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani has stressed that Iran remains committed to a political resolution of the situation in Syria and will continue supporting a truly Syrian-led, Syrian-owned, UN-facilitated political process.

Reading an statement before the UN Security Council on Thursday, the ambassador also voiced Tehran’s readiness to assist the people and Government of Syria to restore the unity and territorial integrity of their country.

The full text of the statement follows:

Thank you, Mr. President,   

We congratulate you on assuming the Security Council presidency for Mozambique this month and successfully managing the Counicl.

We thank Mr. Pederson, the Special Envoy, and Mr. Griffiths, the Under-Secretary-General for their briefings.

As this is the final briefing of Mr. Griffiths, we join others in expressing our sincere gratitude for his efforts.

Mr. President,  

The humanitarian and economic situation in the Syrian Arab Republic remains dire and the Syrian people suffer from profound economic challenges.

After 13 years of conflict, as the UN report indicates, the humanitarian community faces its most challenging funding landscape. The Humanitarian Response Plan for 2024 is only 8 percent funded significantly less at this time than last year.

The continuance of the destructive policy of unilateral sanctions exacerbates the plight of the most vulnerable segments of society and serves only to prolong the crisis and worsen the suffering endured by the Syrian population.

Unfortunately, Western countries have ignored the dire situation on the ground and continue to pursue their political agenda at all costs. They utilize sanctions as a tool to achieve their objectives, even at the expense of ordinary people who suffer as a result.

Due to the complex and extensive nature of unilateral sanctions, the alleged humanitarian exemptions often prove ineffective and pointless.

We welcome the sovereign decision of the Syrian government to renew the permission granted to the United Nations and its specialized agencies to use the "Bab al-Salama" and "Al-Ra'i" crossings for an additional three months, until 13 August 2024 to deliver humanitarian aid to civilians in northwest Syria.

We hope this support will ensure sufficient and predictable funding, and that donors will fulfill their pledges.

We commend the tireless efforts of UN agencies and humanitarian partners in their work towards alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people.

However, preventing the diversion of aid to terrorist organizations in the northwest region and ensuring transparent and non-discriminatory distribution of aid are essential aspects that need careful consideration.

We also emphasize the need for unhindered humanitarian access,  through cross-line routes, and in full coordination with the Syrian government.

Providing immediate aid is crucial, however, it is not a sustainable solution in the long term.

Efforts must focus on rebuilding critical infrastructure to create conditions for the safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons.

Given the burden that neighboring countries, particularly Lebanon, have carried during the crisis, the return of refugees and internally displaced people to their respective homes in Syria should not be politicized or used as leverage against the Syrian government.

Mr. President,  

As we have said time and again, the conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic cannot be resolved without upholding the full sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of the country.

The restoration of Syria's territorial integrity demands relentless efforts to combat all terrorist groups without interruption.

It is imperative, however, that the protection of civilians remains paramount throughout counterterrorism efforts.

Mr. President,

Iran remains committed to a political resolution of the situation in Syria and will continue supporting a truly Syrian-led, Syrian-owned, UN-facilitated political process, as well as assisting the people and Government of Syria to restore the unity and territorial integrity of their country.

As we have said, the resumption of the meetings of the Constitutional Committee as an effective mechanism for advancing the political process in Syria is necessary.

In this context, we remain committed in our support of the Special Envoy's efforts and his engagement with all parties.

Furthermore, along with its Astana format partners, we are committed to working towards long-term and sustainable normalization in and around Syria.

Mr. President,

The Israeli-occupying regime continues its acts of aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, targeting civilians and vital infrastructure.

We strongly condemn these unlawful actions as provocative actions that violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, the UN Charter, and international law and serve only to escalate tensions and undermine stability in Syria and the region.

Despite repeated appeals from the Syrian Arab Republic, the Security Council has failed to take any action in response to these illegal actions, not even condemning them.

The recent massacre of displaced people of Gaza in the Rafah camp by this regime on 26 May has once again demonstrated that Israel crossed all red lines, blatantly violated international humanitarian law, basic principles of international law, the UNSC resolutions, and disregarded the legally binding ICJ’s orders. All these violations were carried out with full impunity and fully supported by the United States.

The international community and in particular the Security Council, as the main organ responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, remain mere observers of these gross violations.

 We urgently call on the Security Council to abandon its policy of appeasement and take decisive and urgent action to hold Israel accountable, compelling it to stop its militarly aggression immediately.

Mr. President, we strongly reject the allegations made by the representative of the US at this meeting.

The US tried to deny its responsibility for the current situation in Syria and the broad region by falsely blaming Iran.

The US claims to support civilians and uphold international humanitarian law, yet it persists with its failed policies against Syria, using sanctions as tools at the expense of ordinary people.

Iran has always been a positive part of regional developments, treading the path of stabilizing peace and lasting security, including the fight against terrorism in the region.

I thank you.


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