Mar 10, 2024, 11:24 PM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 85414647
1 Persons


VP: Iran to demand Israel’s expulsion from Commission on Status of Women

New York, IRNA – Iran’s Vice-president Ensiyeh Khazali has said that she will push for Israel’s expulsion from the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in the wake of the regime’s atrocities against Palestinian women in Gaza.

Khazali made the comment on Sunday after she arrived in New York City to attend the 68th session of the CSW, which will kick off a day later and will run for 12 days.

She told reporters that participants attending the session will speak about the situation of women in their countries and at the international level, among other things.

“We will report on the situation of women in Iran as well as the situation of women at the international level and the issues they face, particularly the conditions that unfortunately exist in Gaza where there is bloodshed and starvation caused by blockade and war crimes”, the Iranian official said.

She expressed hope that the countries participating at the CSW annual session can reach a consensus and condemn “this dangerous element and this occupying regime” over women’s issues, saying that “God willing we will demand the expulsion of Israel from the Commission on the Status of Women.”

The CSW68 is the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

It will take place under the priority theme, “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective”, according to the UN Women website.


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