Jan 3, 2024, 8:00 AM
Journalist ID: 1848
News ID: 85341888
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Jan 3

Jan 3, 2024, 8:00 AM
News ID: 85341888
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Jan 3

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, Jan 3, 2024:


- Raisi: Various political factions welcomed in Parl.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Tuesday that the government welcomes the presence of different political inclinations in Parliament as a platform for the formation of a strong legislature. He made the remarks in a meeting with a group of leaders of political parties and political activists ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections on March 1. Not only is the government not worried about the presence of different political inclinations in Parliament, but it considers it a platform for the formation of a strong Parliament that can increase the power and authority of the country, Raisi said.

- Gaza fighting rages after Israel warns war will last all year

Shelling and missile strikes rocked the length of the Gaza Strip overnight into Tuesday, after Israel’s army warned its war on Gaza will last through 2024.

Despite relentless global demands for a cease-fire, Israel’s military spokesman Daniel Hagari said Monday the army was preparing for “prolonged fighting” expected to last “throughout this year”. On Monday night into Tuesday morning, eyewitnesses reported missiles fired towards the city of Rafah in the south and shelling around the Jabalia refugee camp in the north, AFP reported.

- Iran has asked Iraq to extradite 38 separatists: Top rights official

Iran’s top human rights official said the Islamic Republic has called upon Iraqi authorities to extradite 38 main members of separatist and terrorist groups holed up in the Arab country’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region. Kazem Gharibabadi, secretary of Iran’s High Council for Human Rights, made the remarks on the sidelines of the fourth trial session of the members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group, which was held in absentia in the capital Tehran on Tuesday, Press TV reported. Iran has urged the central government in Iraq and authorities in Kurdistan to meet their commitments toward Iran and take necessary measures to secure the border.


- Hamas deputy leader al-Arouri martyred in Israeli drone attack on Beirut 
Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV reported that Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy Hamas politburo chief, was assassinated in an Israeli drone strike in southern Beirut late on Tuesday. The Lebanese al-Mayadeen channel also reported that al-Arouri has been killed. Reuters reported the deputy Hamas politburo leader was the target, citing three security sources. Lebanese PM Najib Mikati said the killing of al-Arouri “aims to pull Lebanon into a new phase of confrontations in light of the ongoing daily attacks on the south of the country”.

- Israeli troops withdraw under Palestinian fire
Residents of the Sheikh Radwan district of Gaza City have told news media outlets that the Israeli army has withdrawn from the area after what they described as the most intense ten days of combat between the Palestinian resistance and the regime's military since the Israeli war on the enclave began.

The Israeli military has also pulled its tanks out of Gaza City's districts of Mina and Tel al-Hawa. Gaza City is located in the northern strip and it is where the Israeli army first began its ground offensives in the enclave after initially bombarding the region indiscriminately, in particular the north, for 20 days to try and clear the path for its ground forces to invade.

- Iran's exports to China rise 24% in November 2023
The value of Iran’s exports to China increased by 24 percent in November 2023 as compared to the same month in 2022, according to China’s Customs data. Iran exported $405 million worth of products to China in November 2023, while the figure was only $326 million in November 2022, Tasnim News Agency reported. As reported, the trade between Iran and China reached $13.4 billion in the first 11 months of 2023, registering a seven percent decline, year on year.

According to China’s Customs data, the value of trade between the two countries stood at $14.4 billion in January-November 2022.


- Gaza fighters push back Zionist troops
The Zionist military said on Tuesday that at least 31 Israeli soldiers have been wounded in Gaza over the last 24 hours. The figure takes the number of those wounded since the start of the ground invasion in October to 983. Meanwhile, a group of wounded survivors of the Hamas-led operation on October 7 in southern occupied territories are suing Israeli security forces over negligence.

- Iran hails Yemen’s support for Palestine
Iran has hailed the firm stance of Yemen’s Ansarullah in support of the oppressed Palestinian people amid the Israeli genocide and rejected U.S. and British calls to end its support for the resistance group. The Islamic Republic hosted Ansarullah spokesman Muhammad Abdul-Salam here for important talks on the regional developments, which have seen Yemeni forces target Israeli vessels or ships bound for Israeli ports in solidarity with the Palestinians.

- Martyr Soleimani continues to turn US dreams into nightmares
Exactly four years ago in the early hours of January 3 when that scoundrel in the so-called White House in Washington, Donald Trump, on the advice of two of his criminal accomplices, Mike Pompeo (State Secretary) and Mark Esper (War Secretary), committed the unpardonable terrorist act of assassinating Iran’s icon of anti-terrorism at Baghdad airport, he thought he was ensuring the survival of the illegal Zionist entity whose dreams of ‘Greater Israel’ had evaporated with the defeat of the macabrely murderous takfiri terrorists in both Syria and Iraq. The innocent blood of General Qasem Soleimani, however, along with that of his Iraqi trench-mate Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, has decisively triumphed over the devilish plots and deadly armaments of his cowardly murderers


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