Apr 16, 2023, 5:59 PM
News ID: 85084844
1 Persons


Israeli regime meddling in Sudan’s conflict under ‘mediation’ pretext

Tehran, IRNA- The Israeli regime is interfering in Sudan’s internal affairs under the pretext of “mediation” between rival factions involved in fierce fighting in the North African country, a report said.

The Israeli foreign ministry has been involved in “mediation talks” between the Sudanese military and the country’s powerful paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which are battling for full control of Sudan, the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot reported on Sunday, citing unnamed Israeli officials.

The sounds of gunfire, heavy artillery, and blasts reverberated across Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, and other major cities for a second day on Sunday.

At least 56 civilians have been killed in the violence that broke out after months of simmering tensions between the military and the RSF.

Sudan agreed to normalize its relations with Israel under a 2020 deal brokered by then-US president Donald Trump known as the “Abraham Accords,” which saw the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Morocco also establish diplomatic ties with the occupying regime.

The move drew anger and outrage across the Muslim country. Thousands of Sudanese people and activists, along with some political factions, took to the streets to condemn the contentious agreement as a brazen betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has claimed that the conflict in Sudan is an internal matter and would not impact the normalization process with Tel Aviv.

Sudanese military leaders, who seized power in a coup in 2021, have been in favor of normalizing ties with the Israeli regime, raising speculation that the Tel Aviv's regime helped engineer the coup to install a friendly government in Khartoum.


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