Jan 1, 2023, 12:40 PM
Journalist ID: 5331
News ID: 84985663
0 Persons


Foes resort to propaganda to advance agenda: AEOI chief

Jan 1, 2023, 12:40 PM
News ID: 84985663
Foes resort to propaganda to advance agenda: AEOI chief

Tehran, IRNA – The enemies utilize severe political and media campaigns such as imposing sanctions to advance their own agenda, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami said.

Addressing a seminar to commemorate the school of thought of Martyr Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani in Tehran on Sunday, Eslami stated that the foes resort to political and media hype as well as incapacitating means like sanctions and deprivation of power to force Iran to succumb to pressures.

They also showcase their might and make use of a combination of the mentioned propaganda campaign in a bid to put forward its own agenda against the Islamic Republic, he added.

The enemies tried to involve villains from around the globe to destroy Syria and then implement the plot in Iran, the AEOI chief said, noting that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution along with General Soleimani foiled the conspiracy of the foes.

A speech by General Soleimani in which he said that there would not be a sign of Daesh terrorists within the next three months was the result of such measures of wise Iranian authorities, he argued.

Organizers of the seminar also praised families of Iranian martyrs such as those who lost their lives in protecting the security of the Islamic country. 


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