Feb 9, 2022, 12:36 AM
News ID: 84644258
1 Persons


Hezbollah chief: Iran great regional power

Feb 9, 2022, 12:36 AM
News ID: 84644258
Hezbollah chief: Iran great regional power

Tehran, IRNA - Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Resistance Movement Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah underscored that the 1979 Islamic Revolution successfully cut the hands of the US and the Zionist regime from Iran, making Iran a great power in the region at present.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran today is a great regional power that cannot be simply ignored or fought off," Nasrallah said in an interview on Tuesday with the Arabic-language al-Alam news network on the occasion of 43rd victory anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime.

The Islamic Revolution pushed Israel and the US out of Iran, Nasrallah said.

He reiterated that today, the Islamic Republic is the model of independence and freedom across the Islamic world and the entire world, while before the Revolution, Iran was controlled by the US,” he said.

He stated that Imam Khomeini (RA) and his companions and revolutionary people came and overthrew the Shah's regime, expelled 60,000 American advisers, cut ties with Israel and expelled the United States from Iran.

Turning to the threats of war against Iran posed by some US politicians, the Hezbollah chief said that launch of war against Iran serves the goal of intimidating it and putting pressure on Tehran. "Iran is a country with a great sovereignty that the United States is afraid of waging war on it. The US has never been and will not be able to stop the development of a peaceful Iranian nuclear program."


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