According to its official website, "The Board of Governors meeting is closed to the press. Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, it will be organized as a virtual meeting hosted from the Agency's headquarters at the Vienna International Centre (VIC)."
Earlier on Tuesday addressing a joint press conference with Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami, the IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said that he had intensive talks this morning and they were seeking to continue interactions to find common grounds.
He said that he and Iran's nuclear chief were exploring specific issues and the IAEA's goal in this visit was to define the perspective of Iran's nuclear program so that it could help generate clean power.
Meanwhile, Eslami said that Iran was determined to execute its nuclear program, highlighting the United Nations' nuclear chief's statement that there was no deviation in Tehran's nuclear activities.
He also said that Grossi had repeatedly stated in today's discussions that they have observed no deviation in Iran's nuclear program and that Iran's ongoing activities were in compliance with treaties and rules.
Iran answered the IAEA's questions regarding documents that Iran's foes deliver to the international body as evidence, adding that some questions are left and some others are related to the issues that have been closed in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
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