May 8, 2018, 11:46 PM
News ID: 82909502
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Iran accepts remaining in JCPOA under condition

May 8, 2018, 11:46 PM
News ID: 82909502
Iran accepts remaining in JCPOA under condition

Tehran, May 8, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that he has ordered the Foreign Ministry to consult with European countries, Russia and China within the next weeks and if Iran's national interests are secured, we will remain in JCPOA.

Talking on Iranian TV minutes after US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal, President Rouhani said from now on, the deal is an agreement between Iran and five countries.

'I have also ordered Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to go ahead with adequate preparations to resume enrichment at the industrial level without any limit,' President Rouhani said in a televised speech on Tuesday evening after the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal.

He said that Iran will wait for a few weeks to consult the European sides of the nuclear agreement as well as Russia and China.

'Everything depends on our national interests,' the president said, noting that if Iran's interests in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) are guaranteed without the US presence, Iran will stay in the deal.

US President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that Washigton would pull out of Iran nuclear deal and reinstate nuclear sanctions on Iran.

This is while most world powers including Russia, China, and European Union have repeatedly stressed that keeping the deal is in the interest of world peace and security.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also confirmed 11 times that Iran has been committed to its obligations under the nuclear deal.

President Rouhani described the US presence in JCPOA a nuisance and noted that Washington was not committed to its obligations from the beginning.

The president said that Washington aims to pressure Iran with psychological and economic war but it will fail to do so.

He said that the US measure to withdraw the JCPOA will unite the Iranian nation and will promote their commitment.

President Rouhani said that his government has taken required measures and the US decision will not cause major problems for Iranian economy.


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