Oct 17, 2024, 5:33 AM
Journalist ID: 5537
News ID: 85630424
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Spain complicit in Israeli genocide in Gaza: MP

Oct 17, 2024, 5:33 AM
News ID: 85630424
Spain complicit in Israeli genocide in Gaza: MP

Tehran, IRNA- A firebrand member of the Spanish parliament has accused the government of Pedro Sanchez of being accomplice in the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Yon Belara, while speaking in parliament on Wednesday, raised a picture of young Palestinian Shaaban Al-Dalo who was burned alive during the recent Israeli bombardment of the tents sheltering displaced people near the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza.

She criticized the Spanish Prime Minister for not taking any practical measures to put arms embargo on the Zionist regime. "You have been for more than a year and you are in control of the Spanish government but have done practically nothing to stop the genocide that is going on in Gaza”.

 “We are complicit in Israel's genocide”, she addressed to the premier, emphasizing that there is no difference between what Tel Aviv is doing and the gas chambers of the Nazis. Such chamber does not exist because the Israeli regime burns dozens of people alive in tents in this crime.

Calling Israeli actions in Gaza clear example of genocide, she too a barb on Sanchez: As a country, we are complicit in this genocide because you, as the Prime Minister of Spain, go around the world and talk about the arms embargo, but in practice, you are incapable to apply it.

Belara also pointed out that Spain sold weapons to the criminal Zionist regime after October 7th last year.

During this one year of genocide, our government not only sold weapons worth one billion euros to Israel but also provided the regime transit facility to transfer arms using our ports, She disclosed,

In continuation of the Zionist regime's crimes in the Gaza Strip, the regime’s warplanes bombarded the tents of the Palestinian refugees near a hospital in the center of Gaza on Monday morning, killing or injured more than 70 people.


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