Apr 26, 2024, 4:05 PM
Journalist ID: 956
News ID: 85457395
5 Persons


HCHR reacts to US misleading report on HR situation in Iran

Apr 26, 2024, 4:05 PM
News ID: 85457395
HCHR reacts to US misleading report on HR situation in Iran

Tehran, IRNA — The High Council for Human Rights (HCHR) of the Islamic Republic of Iran has responded to the so-called annual report of the United States on the situation of human rights in various countries including the Islamic Republic.

The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement on Friday condemning the report released by the US on the situation of human rights in Iran which included nothing but repetition of the previous allegations.

The US State Department is under more public pressure than ever due to its all-out support for crimes against humanity and the genocide of Palestinians by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, the statement read.

There have been widespread protests against the country's bellicose and anti-human rights policies, both inside and outside of the United States, it added.

It is ironic and ridiculous that the claims are made by a regime that violated all kinds of human rights against nations, said the statement.

These violations include resorting to atomic bombs, coups, overthrowing democratic governments, terrorism dissemination, resource looting, deliberate attacks on passenger aircraft, and the use of illegal sanctions against independent countries. Additionally, the HCHR mentioned the assassination of human rights defenders and personalities in support of the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza.

The HCHR characterized the US’s actions over recent decades as a collection of war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism, and human rights violations in the West Asian region. The invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, ostensibly to establish democracy, resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, including innocent women and children. The creation of terrorist group Daesh (ISIS) and its use against regional nations, including in Syria and Iraq, were also cited as crimes.

The statement further addressed the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, a prominent human rights defender and a key figure in the fight against terrorism.

Violation of the sovereignty of Yemen and Syria, and the all-out support for the Zionist regime's killing machine in Gaza, to name a few, are just some of the crimes committed by this regime that will not be erased from the minds of the nations of the region, noted the statement.

Referring to the #MeToo Movement which was on people who had been sexually assaulted and harassed, the statement noted that the movement revealed the oppression against women in workplaces and public places in this country.

It also mentioned the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed African-American man, by US  police, which sparked protests by over 26 million Americans and added that the US’s infamous use of torture worldwide.

The statement concluded that according to the dark record of the United States on human rights, both in international and domestic arenas, the country is not in a position to preach to others or examine the human rights situation in other countries.

Meanwhile, American universities are witnessing police crackdowns against student protestors, while the Israeli regime continues its actions against defenseless Palestinians with support from the Biden administration.


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