Apr 24, 2024, 10:59 AM
Journalist ID: 5331
News ID: 85455194
4 Persons


Palestinian resistance in position of imposing its will: Islamic Jihad official

Tehran, IRNA – After 200 days of resistance, Palestinian resistance movements stand in the position of imposing their will on the battlefield and in negotiations, says Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine.

Al-Nakhalah made the remark in an interview with Khamenei.ir.

Excerpts of this interview come as follows:

Question: After more than six months of clash in Gaza, what is the balance of power between the Palestinian resistance and the occupying regime now?

Answer: Today, the small strip, which is under long-term siege, stands against the warfare machine of the regime. The resistance’s operations have not been stopped and fighters inflict damage upon the enemy. The foe could not achieve its goals and retreats day by day. The Gaza resistance moves forward powerfully, so I believe that we experienced a significant breakthrough toward the final victory.

Question: Do you agree to rename the conflict as war for survival or destruction of Israel? Is this the beginning of the end of the regime?

Al-Nakhalah: The Zionist narrative of the war is shaky because of the resistance and patience of the Palestinian nation. Resistance fighters are directly fighting the Zionism project, while the nation is under siege and the regime is being supported by the US and the West. The situation challenged the myth that the Zionist regime is an invincible force. The enemies were of the opinion that they can defeat the resistance, but their project is doomed to failure as a result of brave fighting by Palestinian fighters. Now Israel faces two options: Retreat and surrender, or accept defeat and declare it. Israel is facing great turmoil thanks to daily fighting against the regime’s forces.

Question: From a military standpoint, how long is the resistance capable of continuing this war? What kind of support has been provided to the Palestinian resistance?

Al-Nakhalah: When we say we can impose our conditions, this means we feel it is backed by the realities on the battlefield and resistance can continue fighting. Resistance is ready in terms of psychological and tactical issues to keep on fighting for the next several months. All regional nations support and express solidarity with the Palestinians. Iran has provided immense support for the Palestinian Resistance. Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has always stood by Palestinians. Fortunately, the Ansarullah movement in Yemen proved that the Gaza war is part of their own conflict as well.

Question: Do Palestinians accept to evacuate Gaza? What would be the impact of such a move?

Al-Nakhalah: This is an obvious exaggeration. The forced evacuation of Palestinians from Gaza is impossible. The Palestinian nation abides by its commitment to the homeland. The enemy has done whatever it could, but the people have not migrated. And the issue of forced migration cannot frighten the resistance movement. Israel thinks it can force Palestinians to move, but this is not imaginable.


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