Apr 17, 2024, 3:27 PM
News ID: 85448139
8 Persons


Explosions heard in Israeli Meron airbase

Apr 17, 2024, 3:27 PM
News ID: 85448139
Explosions heard in Israeli Meron airbase

Tehran, IRNA – The Israeli regime's news sources in the occupied lands have reported that the sound of an explosion was heard in the regime's Meron airbase, located in the north of occupied Palestine.

Israeli media outlets reported an explosion at the Meron strategic airbase on Wednesday.

Earlier, the Lebanese Resistance Movement, Hezbollah, launched missile and drone attacks on the same airbase.

Additionally, Hezbollah conducted a missile attack on the 91st Division headquarters in Galilee, specifically the "Barnit" barracks.

In a separate statement, Hezbollah claimed responsibility for an attack on an Israeli military vehicle in the al-Matla region near the border, which resulted in the death and injury of all soldiers inside.

These strikes were in retaliation for Israeli drone attacks that killed two Hezbollah military commanders in the towns of Ain Baal and Shehabiyeh, located in southern Lebanon.

The Islamic Resistance fighters launched a double-attack, employing guided missiles and explosive-laden drones, targeting the newly established headquarters of the military surveillance command in Arab Al-Aramsha, the statement read, confirming that the strike resulted in direct hits. 

An Israeli media outlet reported that injuries sustained by Hezbollah drone attacks in Arab Al-Aramesha have risen to 18.

The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has conducted multiple operations against Israeli military positions in the northern side of the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories in response to the Tel Aviv regime’s continuous attacks on Palestinians in Gaza, as well as repeated assaults on southern regions of Lebanon.

Lebanon’s Al Manar TV channel reported that Hezbollah hit an Israeli position in Arab Al-Aramsha, Western Galilee, and 4 soldiers as well as two Zionists injured.

Israeli media say Hezbollah's drone that targeted "Arab al-Aramsheh" was a direct hit without anything intercepting it.

Hezbollah said in a statement that the attack was carried out by guided missiles and armed drones, targeting the secret military headquarters in "Arab al-Aramsheh".

The statement also said the combined attack destroyed part of this military position and the deaths and injuries of enemy soldiers.


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