Jan 21, 2024, 9:28 AM
Journalist ID: 1847
News ID: 85360427
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Jan 21

Jan 21, 2024, 9:28 AM
News ID: 85360427
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Jan 21

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Sunday, January 21, 2024:


-- Resistance leaders attest Gaza as symbol at Tehran conference

The 12th Conference of Gaza, The Symbol of Resistance, was held in Tehran on Saturday with the participation of esteemed high-ranking guests, military officials, and the families of martyrs of the resistance front and Iran.
In a message to the conference, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, noted that what makes Gaza the symbol of the resistance is its noble, ground-breaking, and uncompromising efforts to represent the wishes and ambitions of a nation yearning for dignity and victory.

-- IEA: Iran accounts for 12% of OPEC nine-month revenues

Iran’s oil revenues neared $34 billion in the first nine months of 2023 despite brutal US sanctions, accounting for 12 percent of OPEC member states’ total income.
The International Energy Agency (IEA), in its report, put Iran’s oil revenues at $33.9 billion during the period – two times the income obtained in 12 months in 2020, Shana reported.
The agency put 13 OPEC member states’ total revenues from January-September 2023 at $281.2 billion.

-- Tehran ready for extensive economic collaboration with regional states: VP Mokhber

Iran is ready for extensive economic collaboration to ensure the interests of all countries in the region, said First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber at the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Kampala on Saturday.
The vice president traveled to Uganda to attend the 19th NAM summit, which he described as a platform for independent voices and a venue to which the international community now attaches great significance in its decisions.


-- Ghar-e Boof Holds Key to Study of Human Evolution

In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (SHEP) at the University of Tübingen show that early humans of the Middle Paleolithic had a more varied diet than previously assumed.
The analysis of a site in the Zagros Mountains in Iran reveals that about 81,000 to 45,000 years ago, the local hominins hunted ungulates as well as tortoises and carnivores. Birds may also have been on the menu.

-- Industrial Growth in Iran Outpaced 164 Countries in 2022, UNIDO Says

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has said that the value-added growth of Iran’s industrial productions in 2022 hit 6.5 percent, which was higher than that of 164 countries.
In a report entitled “International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics”, the organization put the value-added growth of Iran’s industrial productions in 2022 at 6.5 percent.
The added-value growth of Iran’s industrial productions had registered a 6.6-percent growth in 2021, the report added.

-- Drought Threatens Iconic ‘Fertile River’

The famed river bridges of the Iranian city of Isfahan are a beloved tourist draw—but much of the time their stone arches span just sand and rocks, not water.
Drought and upstream water diversions have seen the Zayandeh Rood, “fertile river” in Persian, run dry since 2000, with only rare exceptions. Sitting on a quay with two friends, 60-year-old Jalal Mirahmadi gazed with melancholy at the riverbed.


-- Iran’s wheelchair basketball runners-up at 2024 IWBF AOZ

Iran’s men’s wheelchair basketball team lost to Australia 53-51 in the 2024 IWBF Asia Oceania Zone (AOZ) Championships final on Saturday. It was Iran’s second loss in the tournament, as Team Melli had previously lost to Australia 69-60 in the competition held in Bangkok, Thailand from Jan. 12 to 20.

Iran had defeated South Korea 67-48, Thailand 86-51, Japan 74-65, China 84-53, Afghanistan 81-41 and Japan 63-48.

-- Culture ministry aims to prevent game developers' migration for industry growth

The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has pledged its support in an effort to prevent the migration of game developers and boost the gaming industry.

Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad-Mehdi Esmaeili stated that game developers are crucial cultural elements in the country and that the ministry is working tirelessly to eliminate obstacles and stop their migration, Mehr reported on Saturday. 

-- Iran’s industrial MVA rises 6.5% in 2022: UNIDO

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in a latest report dubbed International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2023, has put the growth of Iran’s manufacturing value added (MVA) at 6.5 percent, placing the Islamic Republic above 164 countries worldwide.

The report has also put the MVA per capita of the country in 2022 at $825, while the figure was $712 in 2021.


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