Dec 5, 2023, 8:02 AM
News ID: 85312229
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on December 5

Dec 5, 2023, 8:02 AM
News ID: 85312229
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on December 5

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Tuesday, December 5, 2023:


--  Tehran, Astana to raise annual bilateral trade to $3b

Kazakh and Iranian officials signed a memorandum of understanding to bring mutual trade to $3 billion. The document was signed by Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Zhumangarin and Iranian Minister of Agriculture Mohammad Ali Nikbakht at the 19th meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between the two countries, held in Tehran on December 2-3.
During the meeting, officials and business persons from Iran and Kazakhstan discussed various issues of common interest between the two countries.

--  Iran to produce power from gas pressure boosters

Iran has started the project of electricity generation from the exhaust system of gas turbines, with the aim of optimal use of existing resources along with increasing the efficiency of gas pressure boosting facilities.
Samad Rahimi, the manager of the gas pressure boosting facility project at the Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, announced the above, adding that that there are about 80 gas pressure boosting facilities in Iran, most of which use four turbines.

--  Iran’s membership in Eurasian Economic Union to facilitate trade

The issue of regionalism is important to Iran since it has been subjected to the most severe sanctions system of the US and the West for years. Iran is trying to neutralize sanctions by taking advantage of the capacity of regional links and developing relations with neighboring countries.
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is one of the regional economic links of which Iran is trying to become a member. It is an international organization for regional economic integration.


--  ‘Iraq-Iran Cooperation Exemplary in Region’ 

Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian has called for further cooperation between Tehran and Baghdad to help establish peace and stability in the region.

Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in a meeting here with the visiting Iraqi deputy parliament speaker Muhsin al-Mandalawi and his delegation, saying cooperation between Iran and Iraq is exemplary in the region.

--  Iran: Targeting of Advisors Not to Go Unanswered

Iran on Monday lambasted the United States for its “undeniable” role in Israeli war crimes against Palestinians, saying Washington has equipped Tel Aviv with new weapons to carry out atrocities in the genocidal war on Gaza Strip.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said here that instead of taking a stance to prevent the calamity, the U.S. has practically sided with the occupying regime, which has killed thousands of Palestinians in order to compensate for its defeat in the war on Gaza.

--  19th Int’l Exhibition of Advertising, Branding, Marketing Kicks Off in Tehran

The 19th edition of the International Exhibition of Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Export Chain and Related Industries was inaugurated at the Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on Monday, December 4.
Companies from China, Turkey and Japan have participated in this edition of the exhibition.
Advertising, branding, participation of different companies from all provinces and cities and focusing on the subject of advertising, marketing and export chain have been cited as the main objectives of the exhibition.


--  Africa's greatest living filmmaker Souleymane Cissé will hold session at Cinéma Vérité

 Malian filmmaker Souleymane Cissé, who is regarded as one of the first generation of African filmmakers, will participate in the 17th edition of Iran International Documentary Film Festival Cinéma Vérité, which will be held in Tehran from December 18 to 23.

Cissé is set to hold a session at the event, where he will speak about the African film industry, ISNA reported on Monday.

--  Tehran hosting 2nd EAEU exclusive exhibition

 The second exclusive exhibition of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which is a platform to showcase the capabilities of the EAEU members and their Iranian counterparts, was officially opened at Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on Monday, IRNA reported.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by senior officials including Iranian Industry, Mining, and Trade Minister Abbas Aliabadi.

--  Health tourism revenue triples that of regular tourism, official says

 Health tourism could generate three times more revenue than regular tourism, a tourism official has said.

Health tourists typically spend between $3,600 and $7,600 and this expenditure exceeds that of regular tourists, making health tourism a lucrative sector for the economy, Mohammad Jahangiri who presides over a national center for developing health tourism explained on Monday.


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