Nov 17, 2022, 12:20 AM
Journalist ID: 5331
News ID: 84945429
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West not needed to play role of supporter of Iranian women: Envoy

Nov 17, 2022, 12:20 AM
News ID: 84945429
West not needed to play role of supporter of Iranian women: Envoy

New York, IRNA - Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Zahra Ershadi has underlined that the Western states are not needed to play the role of fake supporters of the Iranian women.

Ershadi made the remarks at the Wednesday meeting of the United Nations in New York, saying that the Iranian women are intelligent, educated, selfless and patriotic; so, there is no need that the Western countries see themselves as their advocate and the false claimants of the Iranian women.

The countries, which pursue an anti-Iran human rights resolution, promote dissemination of fake information, provocation of public opinion, training of sabotage, as well as financial and military support for terrorist groups under the guise of backing the rights of the Iranian women, she noted.

The Iranian ambassador addressed the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee, saying that the Islamic Republic categorically rejects and condemns the draft resolution against Iran, which has been prepared based on unfounded data and biased treatment of a special rapporteur.

The member states of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee voted to a Canadian-proposed draft resolution on the situation of human rights in Iran every year and this year’s draft resolution consists of unrest in recent week in the Islamic Republic.

The draft resolution on human rights in Iran was approved by a vote of 79 in favor to 30 against, with 71 abstentions.

According to, Iran’s delegate called the draft an “insincere political move” that exposes a deliberate policy of incitement to “Iranophobia”. 

She denounced that the cosponsors — Canada, the United States and “the child killer Israeli regime”, the main proponents of racism, occupation and abhorrent treatment of indigenous peoples — have come together to lecture others on human rights, the UN website reported.


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