Ra’na Rahimpour said that reporters of the London-based Iran International Channel, which is sponsored by Saudi Arabia, have been told to hold interviews only with the leaders of separatist groups.
In her Instagram page, Rahimpour has confirmed the originality of the audio.
The death of a young woman at a police custody in Tehran, gave rise to unrests across Iran in late August.
Since the onset of the unrests, the foreign-based media have tried to turn the Iranian streets into scenes of espionage and chaos.
Earlier, the Ministry of Intelligence and IRGC Intelligence issuing a joint statement presented new details about the US' interference in recent Iran unrests.
In the joint statement issued on October 28 by the intelligence bodies of the country, the role played by the intelligence services of the enemies, and especially that of the United States in creating dissatisfaction in the Iranian society through the activities of their media, followed by the operational phase of the plot in appropriate time by the trained agents of them both inside and outside the country is elaborated.
It is emphasized on the point in the report that the western intelligence services had since many months ago prepared themselves for implementing this project that the death of Mahsa Amini and the events after it, turned the atmosphere ripe for implementing that broad-scale and complicated operation.
According to the issued report, among the moves made by the terrorist US administration, there was the establishment of a network called the Organizations of the Collaborators, whose apparent activities were in the human rights and promotion of democracy, but actually aimed at identifying and employing those who were ready and willing, and to use them as the pawns for social evolutions.
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