Aug 22, 2022, 5:27 PM
Journalist ID: 1114
News ID: 84862365
3 Persons


Iran one step closer to SCO full membership

Aug 22, 2022, 5:27 PM
News ID: 84862365
Iran one step closer to SCO full membership

Tehran, IRNA – Iran has become one step closer to full membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), according to Kyrgyzstan's akipress.

Kyrgystan’s President Sadyr Japarov has endorsed a draft of memorandum on obligations of Iran in connection with its Shanghai Cooperation Organization accession, the Kyrgyz news agency reported.

It said that the draft memo provides that Iran has been committed to all its commitments before the SCO.

Iran has long been an observer member of the organization and the country's full membership in SCO would provide Iran with huge potentials to pursue its foreign policy plans.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s member-states are China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.


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