Aug 7, 2022, 5:05 PM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 84846938
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IRGC:  Zionist regime’s crimes against Palestinians will make it regretful

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), in a statement, strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s new aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, saying these crimes will make the regime and its supporters regretful.

The IRGC issued its statement on Sunday, saying that the Zionist regime’s miscalculation will make Palestine’s Islamic resistance stronger while making the occupying regime’s collapse more imminent.

The statement described Israel as a fake, racist and child-killer regime, saying that the new military action and the killing of the Palestinian resistance commanders, which are taking place with support of the US and other inhumane governments, once again revealed the criminal and aggressive nature of the Zionists and their supporters in the region and beyond.

The IRGC, in its statement, called the ongoing Israeli aggression against Gaza a miscalculation and a measure aimed at evaluating the power of resistance and the quality of its response in case of an all-out war against the Palestinian nation.

The statement also said that the continuation of the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people is the result of normalization with the regime by certain Arab states and their surrender to what the arrogant powers want.

The statement said that normalization will not only fail to guarantee the Zionist regime’s security, but it will also enhance Muslim countries’ resistance against the occupiers of Palestine.

The IRGC stressed the importance of all-out support by the Islamic world, including the Iranian nation, for the liberation of the city of al-Quds, as well as the formation of an independent Palestinian government participated by all groups.

The statement also called on international human rights organizations to stop inaction over the Zionist regime’s crimes and help uphold the rights of the Palestinian people.

The IRGC voiced its support for the Palestinian uprising against the Zionist regime, which is known as Intifada, and said that the Palestinian people will undoubtedly emerge victorious against the apartheid Zionist regime and will liberate their land.


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