According to an AFP report, Judge Federico Vilena has ordered that only 12 of the 19 crew members of the Emeritus Air cargo plane, belonging to a Venezuelan company, can leave, but seven of them, including four Iranian and three Venezuelan citizens cannot leave till the ending of the court inspections.
The court verdict reiterates that there are still issues left for inspections about Gholam-Reza Qasemi, three other Iranian crew members, and three Venezuelan crews.
This cargo plane that belonged to Iran’s Mahan Air up to last year on June 6 arrived in Argentina from Mexico with 14 Venezuelan and five Iranian crew members aboard. But two days after that Uruguay refrained from allowing it to fly in its airspace and the plane was forced to return to Argentina, where it has been stopped until now.
The Uruguay interior minister says that his country has received an official warning from Paraguay Intelligence Organization about the plane.
The Venezuelan owner company of the plane is sanctioned by the US Treasury Department, and also the former owner of the plane Mahan Air, is sanctioned because of its links to the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC).
The plane had before its flight to Argentina carried a consignment of cigarettes from Paraguay to Aruba Island in the Caribbean Peninsula.
On July 19, the caretaker of Argentina Embassy in Tehran was summoned by the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran and informed of the Iranian government’s strong protest to the exit limitations for five Iranian citizens, which he conveyed to the Argentine government.
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