Jan 24, 2022, 11:30 AM
News ID: 84624543
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Russia-China-Iran coop. eroding US hegemony in Asia

Jan 24, 2022, 11:30 AM
News ID: 84624543
Russia-China-Iran coop. eroding US hegemony in Asia

Tehran, IRNA - The United States is facing the impact of military, security, and political collaborations among Russia, China and Iran, which are speeding up the diminishing of the pillars of American interventionist policy in Asia.

Iran Newspaper published a memo on expansion of multilateral cooperation among Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran on Monday, saying that:
Holding one of the biggest naval drills in Indian Ocean along with decisions made by leaders of Tehran, Beijing, and Moscow to sign contracts in order to bolster all-out ties are among the latest developments that unstable the US's hegemonic power in the region and indicate a change of balance of power at international arena.

The 2022 Marine Security Belt exercise held last Friday was the third joint naval drills that was held by these three countries. The drills showed Iran's military capacities especially when it comes to collaborate with other important naval forces. The strategic drills showcased the Islamic Republic's might to preserve its security in a vast area of the region.

Some former American officials and security advisors such as Former National Security Advisor of the United States Zbigniew Brzezinski and Former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned about harmful backlash of concurrent hostilities with big Asian powers.

The tripartite military cooperation indicates that the three countries have created a maritime security belt to confront ultra-regional threats. 

Power Display
The United States' endless interventions in the Middle East and Asia have played a key role in persuading these three states to increase collaborations in different political, economic, military, defense, and foreign policy arenas.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei emphasized, when he met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tehran, that one of the issues of mutual cooperation can be joint efforts to contain the US  - because it is a threat to mankind.

The three maneuvers in three consecutive years are signs of forming an alliance to diminish the US hegemony and unilateralism.

China, Russia, and Iran have stepped into the path of expanding strategic cooperation, which have been followed up in recent diplomatic meetings and tours particularly by Iranian authorities with their counterparts in Moscow and Beijing.


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