Dec 30, 2019, 3:02 PM
News ID: 83613890
3 Persons


Zarif: Iran, Russia after establishing peace in region

Dec 30, 2019, 3:02 PM
News ID: 83613890
Zarif: Iran, Russia after establishing peace in region

Moscow, Dec 30, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday that contrary to US, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia are determined to maintain peace and stability in the region and the relevant road map offered by both states proves this fact.

Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Zarif said the relation between Iran and Russia is in its best historic situation.

Iranian officials are determined to consider Russia as a big and important neighboring state acting as a great international power, he said. 

In contrast to those who promote warmongering in the region, Iran and Russia have presented initiatives which are similar to each other aiming to maintain peace in the region, Zarif said. 

The offered road map highlights the role of Russian talks in the Persian Gulf and Hormuz Peace Endeavor (HOPE), he said. 

Referring to Iran-Russia-China joint military drills, Zarif said it indicates the significant role and efforts of all parties in establishing peace in the region.

In contrast with the US that violated the international commitments, Iran and Russia have emphasized implantation of the nuclear deal.

Referring to US recent attack on Iraqi forces, Zarif said this was just one example of US' such behaviors.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iranian foreign minister described Iran-Russia cooperation in Astana format as a successful example of joint cooperation for bringing back peace to Syria.

He expressed the hope for discussing regional and international issues related to Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Russia follows peace initiative while Iran pursues Hormuz Peace Endeavor (HOPE) initiative.

The Iranian president addressing the 74th UNGA session on September 25 presented Hormuz Peace Endeavor HOPE initiative, calling for collective cooperation of the Persian Gulf coastal states to safeguard peace in the Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz.

After that, the Iranian government has sent letters to the southern Arab states in the Persian Gulf to seize the opportunity to reduce tensions with Iran and provide free maritime navigation in the Strait of Hormuz.

The move shows how serious Iran is in ending differences with its neighbors.

The HOPE Coalition is an answer to the US move to create a global coalition to escort oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz.

The presence of the US and its allies in the Middle East is the main source of tensions there like the events that are taking place in Iraq and Lebanon these days.

In a related news, Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Monday that Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will leave Moscow for Beijing in the second leg of his regional tour. 

Zarif arrived in Moscow late on Sunday to hold talks with top Russian officials including his counterpart Sergei Lavrov on wide range of issues.

In China, various international, regional and bilateral issues including the July 2015 nuclear deal will be discussed, the spokesman said.

On December 27, Iran, Russia and China started staging a four-day trilateral naval exercise in the north Indian Ocean and Sea of Oman to share experiences in fight against terrorism and piracy.


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