Sep 23, 2019, 4:45 PM
News ID: 83487738
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Zarif: Iran requesting $15b credit before resuming talks with US

Sep 23, 2019, 4:45 PM
News ID: 83487738
Zarif: Iran requesting $15b credit before resuming talks with US

Tehran, Sept 23, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Tehran will not resume talks with Trump administration until the $15b is not implemented.

“The credit is in lieu of the oil [the French] were supposed to buy,” US media 'Daily Beast quoted Zarif as saying.

"Iran is requesting the $15 billion credit be extended until December at which point in time it would request $3 billion per month," he added.

“That was one way for the French—not just the French, but the European Union—in order for them to come back into compliance with the JCPOA,” Zarif said, referring the Iran nuclear deal.

The US would eventually “lose its leverage” if it continued to block Tehran from selling its oil, Iranian top diplomat said.

“They are the ones who are dependent on the global market,” Zarif noted.

"The $15 billion deal was just one of several of the Iranian government’s demands for the European Union and the US."

"It also wants to be able to sell its oil and access the revenues made from oil sales."

Describing the US sanctions as economic terrorism, Zarif said: "(US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo should be prepared to face the consequences in the International Criminal Court."

"When we went and discussed all of that and [France] thought—and we respect their decision, but that does not relieve them of [their] legal obligations—that [they] needed to get some green light from the US," Zarif said. 

“That’s a contradiction because if the U.S. is interested in maximum pressure, then they wouldn’t give them a green light and that’s what we warned them about.”

“I think [Trump] is determined not to get involved in our country militarily,” Zarif said.

“But there are others who are determined to drag him into a military conflict with Iran,” he reiterated.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iranian foreign minister referred to the basic role of the CEO of the hawkish think-tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, saying: “Mark Dubowitz wanted to make sure that neither this president or his successor will not be able to normalize relations with Iran."

“I think President Trump knowingly or unknowingly closed the door to negotiations on Friday.” In August, Iran blacklisted FDD, accusing it of “economic terrorism”.

According to American media, Zarif said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani would introduce a plan, titled “Coalition for Hope,” at the United Nations this week.


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