Sep 15, 2012, 1:08 AM
News ID: 80322702
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Culture Minister: America is basically anti-Islam

Sep 15, 2012, 1:08 AM
News ID: 80322702
Culture Minister: America is basically anti-Islam

Ahvaz, Khuzestan Prov, Sept 14, IRNA – Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini said here Friday oppressor US government is basically anti-Islam, which is why it shows its enmity with this religion by insulting the Muslims.

According to an IRNA reporter in Khuzestan province's capital city Ahvaz, Hosseini who was speaking as the pre-sermons lecturer of the southern Iranian city further reiterated, 'The United States has got intimidated having seen the existing unity and solidarity among the Muslim nations, and therefore, has intended quite prematurely to hurt Islam by insulting the Muslims' most revered personality and the Islamic values.'

He said, 'Nowadays the Islamic world is agitated and uneasy and the entire Muslims with the serious reactions and protests proved the fact to everyone that they would not remain indifferent regarding any type of insult against their sanctities, and that they care about the grandeur and power of Islam.

The culture and Islamic guidance minister added, 'The alert Muslims around the globe by their presence at rallies, like always, shout in protest against the insults of the global oppression's insults against the Islamic sanctities.'

Hosseini added, 'The reaction of the Muslims against the inappropriate behaviors of the enemies of Islam show that they are always awake and that they will not be deceived by the western and Zionist politicians' tricks.'

The minister added, 'The film produced in order to insult the dear Prophet of Islam by the enemies of our religion is absolutely devoid of any artistic value, and from the context point of the view, it is full of falsehood, because the friends and foes alike know that the Prophet of Islam (P) was the highest possible model for best and highest ethical values, which is why the Muslims are so seriously reacting to this blasphemous film.'

The rallies against the blasphemous movie were held after the Friday prayers across Iran.

The Iranian protesters chanted 'Death to the US' and 'Death to Israel' slogans, and expressed disgust at the US and the Zionist regime's anti-Islam policies.

Last night, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamene'ie blamed the US and the Zionists for the sacrilege of Muslims' Prophet Mohammad (P) in a movie made by an American-Israeli man, and called on Washington to punish those behind the blasphemous act.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Iranian Supreme Leader said that the US and Zionists' hands can be seen behind the move, and said if Washington statesmen claim to be not involved in this sacrilege of Islam and Islamic values, they should punish those who have designed and orchestrated the move.

Also on Thursday, senior Iranian Shi'a and Sunni clerics condemned the sacrilegious movie, and warned the US of Muslims' harsher protests against the desecration of their values.

'We strongly condemn the production of this film and we announce that Muslims will not keep mum about these devilish acts and the US must wait for stronger actions,' Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani said in a statement on Thursday.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi also condemned the sacrilegious act, and described it as a reaction to the Muslims' growing Islamic awakening moves and uprisings.

He said that the movie shows that enemies are afraid of 'the spread of this divine religion and have, thus, taken such a silly action which will backfire.'

He further urged the worldwide Muslims to stage massive protests on Friday to 'teach enemies an unforgettable lesson.'

Earlier on Thursday, a large number of Iranian university students staged a protest rally in front of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran - which hosts the US interests section in Iran - to condemn the insulting movie against Prophet Mohammad (P), named 'Innocence of Muslims'.

In a final statement issued at the end of the rally, the students said, 'Based on article 7 of the UN Charter, any country which endangers the global security should account for its acts and we urge international organizations to seriously ask the US to present explanations.'

The Iranian students also warned about the enemies' warmongering plots which seek to create rift among the Muslims and Christians, and said the followers of different religions will foil the enemies' plots by their vigilance and unity.

They called on the entire world Muslims to condemn the blasphemous movie and its producers and boycott Youtube for its refusal to remove the trailer of the movie from its footages.

The angry Iranian students chanted anti-US and anti-Israeli slogans and burnt the US flag to voice their protest against the sacrilege of Islam in the US movie and express disgust at the US and the Zionist regime's anti-Islam policies.

Security forces prevented the crowd from approaching the diplomatic compound.

'Innocence of Muslims', previously called Desert Warriors and Innocence of Bin Laden, is a 2012 anti-Muslim film about Prophet Mohammad (P).

The film was made in the United States by a man initially reported by US media to be an American-Israeli who relied on funding from 100 Jews.

But subsequent reporting found that figure to be fictitious, likely invented by a Coptic Christian living in California and identified as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.

The film was being promoted by a Florida pastor, Terry Jones, known for previous Qur'an-burning stunts that angered Muslims in various countries.

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