Nov 19, 2023, 8:22 AM
News ID: 85295503
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Nov 19

Nov 19, 2023, 8:22 AM
News ID: 85295503
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Nov 19

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Sunday, November 19, 2023:


-- Iran oil output up 50% despite sanctions, to hit 3.6 mbd: Owji

Iran’s oil production has increased 50 percent since the 13th administration took office two years ago, said Oil Minister Javad Owji.
The minister, who made the announcement at a meeting with some religious sources of imitation, including Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hosseini Bushehri and Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli, in the holy city of Qom, north-central Iran, added that the country’s oil production stood at 2.2 million barrels per day (mbd) when the incumbent government took over in August 2021, while the output has now soared to 3.3 mbd, and will hit 3.6 mbd by the end of the upcoming winter.

--  CBI sees oil industry annual economic growth at 15.2%

The Iranian oil industry’s economy is projected to grow 15.2 percent this Iranian year (started March 21, 2023), said the country’s top banker.
Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Mohammadreza Farzin pointed to a 24 percent growth in crude oil output and a 16,000-barrel-per-day (bpd) increase in gas condensate production in the first half of the current Iranian year, forecasting a 15.2 percent economic growth for the oil sector, Shana reported. Iran’s gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to hit 4.3 percent by mid-March 2024, he continued.

--  European passenger planes overhauled in Iran: CAO

The head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization (CAO) revealed the repair and maintenance of passenger planes of other countries, including Latin American, European and Asian countries, in Iran.
Mohammad Mohammadibakhsh said countries from Latin America, Europe and Asia bring their planes to Iran for repair and maintenance services or send the engines of their planes to the country for overhaul operations.


-- 55,000 Iranians Die of Cancer Every Year

Approximately 55,000 Iranians lose their lives to cancer each year. However, experts suggest that lifestyle changes could potentially reduce the risk of premature death from this disease.
The report reveals that out of the total 122,000 premature deaths under the age of 70, cancer is responsible for 34,000. Similarly, cancer is the cause of 11,000 out of 85,000 premature deaths under the age of 50.

--  700 Iranian Outlets Condemn Gaza Genocide

Some 700 Iranian media outlets have condemned the “unprecedented” killing of civilians and reporters in Gaza by the occupying regime of Israel since early October.
The outlets including news agencies, newspapers, news centers and publications issued a statement, calling for an immediate end to the Israeli atrocities. They expressed their support for all freedom-seeking journalists across the world.

--  Turkey, Iran to Discuss Water Share in Aras Border River

Officials from Iran and Turkey will convene Sunday at the second Iran-Turkey Water Cooperation Committee meeting to discuss water shares in the Aras River.
The issues related to the water shares in Aras were discussed in the first session of the Iran-Turkey Joint Water Cooperation Committee held in 2021 following a visit by Deputy Minister of Energy for Water and Wastewater Affairs Muhammad Javanbakht to neighboring Turkey.


-- Iranian Photojournalists Association condemns killing of photojournalists in Gaza

The Iranian Photojournalists Association (IPJA) has strongly denounced the brutal actions of the Zionists during the recent conflict in Gaza, specifically condemning the targeted killings of photojournalists and reporters.

In a statement released on Saturday, the IPJA expressed deep sorrow for the tragic deaths of 42 photojournalists who were present in the Gaza Strip when they were ruthlessly taken away by Israeli forces.  The association highlighted that this was an incredibly imbalanced and unjust war.

--  Iranian archeologists hail find of relics built more than 5500 years ago

Archaeologists have unearthed some treasured ruins estimated to date from 4400 BC to 3500 BC. They identified remnants of mills, water supply channels, pottery kilns, and cellars for storing provisions in a site famed as Shahr-e Qumis in northcentral Iran. Situated near Damghan, an ancient city in Semnan province, Shahr-e (“the City of”) Qumis was allegedly one of the capitals of the Parthian Empire (247 BC – 224 CE).

-- Annual shrimp output anticipated to be 40,000 tons

 Iran’s annual shrimp production is expected to be 40,000 tons in the current Iranian calendar year (ends on March 20, 2024) , according to the secretary of the Aquatics Production and Trade Union of Iran.

Ali-Akbar Khodaei said that most of the country's shrimp is produced in Hormozgan and Bushehr provinces with a share between 80 percent and 85 percent. Iran's aquaculture industry is on a wave of progress and has world ranks in the production of some fishery products.


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