Nov 8, 2023, 9:16 AM
News ID: 85284334
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on November 8

Nov 8, 2023, 9:16 AM
News ID: 85284334
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on November 8

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.


– Leader outlines Iran’s maritime development policies

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has announced the general policies of sea-oriented development to the heads of the three branches of government (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary) and the head of the Expediency Council for implementing them.
According to this communique, the executive branch is obligated to present a comprehensive plan to implement these policies including submitting bills, approving regulations and necessary executive measures within a six-month timeframe, with the assistance of the Iranian Parliament, the Judiciary, and relevant organizations.

–  750 Iranian thalassemia patients fall victim to pharmaceutical sanctions

The cruel and illegal sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran have resulted in the lack of essential medicines reaching patients, especially those suffering from thalassemia. This has led to devastating consequences, with over 750 thalassemia patients losing their lives due to the scarcity of medicine and imported drugs. Additionally, more than 12,000 patients are reported to have been seriously injured.

–  Iranian nanotech firms eye foreign markets

Iran Nano 2023 show of proud progress; In 2003, the Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) was established. The council developed a strategic document on nanotechnology within two years and submitted it to the cabinet. Since then, nanotechnology has definitely created wealth for Iran and improved the quality of manufactured materials as well as the lives of Iranians.
The Iran Nano 2023 exhibition, held from November 4–7, launched with the participation of various companies and stakeholders that are active in this field. During the event, these nanotechnology companies showcase their achievements in various sectors, including textiles, medicine, polymer, agriculture, and construction.


– Iranian Company Develops CT Scan Machine

A knowledge-based Iranian company has developed a CT scan machine that would save the country $200,000 per device. The device, developed by Behyaar Sanaat Sepahan Co., will be put into operation soon in health centers across the country.
“This product can be used both in the field of diagnosis and as a treatment simulator in radiotherapy,” said Farid Nejatbakhsh-Azadani, the CEO of Behyaar Sanaat Sepahan.

–  FAO Lists Qazvin, Tuyserkan as Global Heritage Sites

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has formally designated two agricultural systems in Iran as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS).
The recognition was announced during the GIAHS scientific advisory group meeting held in Rome from November 7 to 10.
The traditional gardens of Qazvin, northwest of Tehran, are a flood-spreading system that date back thousands of years. Situated in the foothills of the Alborz ranges, the creation of the gardens surrounding the city has protected its inhabitants from floods adapting to and taking advantage of the watershed to produce nuts and local delicacies.

–  ‘Defense Achievements to Help Industry, Trade Sectors’

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Muhammad Reza Ashtiani has said that achievements in the defense sector will contribute to the industry and trade sectors. General Ashtiani said that Iran organized the defense sector in a way that the technologies transfer will enter the industry sector like industrialized and developed countries.
He further stated that the committees with the participation of other Iranian ministries and departments had been formed to organize the process of transferring technology from the defense field to the industry and improve the previous efforts in this regard.


–  Spending on Israel will bear no benefit for Washington: IRGC chief

The Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Monday said Washington’s resources that are being spent on Israel are essentially being squandered.  "Today, America has lost its former global position and is spending money on a regime that has no benefits for it, and this is the result of the lack of wisdom in American governance" explained Major General Hossein Salami.

Salami said the events that are taking place in the region and across the world, herald a big change in the course of global developments. He added that the valuable aspirations of the Islamic Republic are spreading to various parts of the world. 

–  Alireza Qorbani’s concert tour from Canada to Europe

The concert tour of the Iranian traditional vocalist Alireza Qorbani has started in Canada and after two more performances, he will take his tour to Europe. Having performed in Calgary (November 3) and Vancouver (November 5), the well-known singer will have performances in Toronto on November 11 and in Montreal the day after, Mehr reported on Monday.

Traveling to Europe in late November, Qorbani will hold seven concerts in three countries until early December.

–  Iran, China reach new agreements under 25-year partnership

Iran’s Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Ehsan Khandouzi said the 25-year strategic partnership plan between Iran and China has entered a new phase with new agreements being reached between various ministries of the two countries, IRIB reported.

According to Khandouzi, the mentioned agreements have been reached between the two sides during the visit of Iran’s delegation to the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE).


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