Jan 31, 2022, 9:33 AM
News ID: 84632590
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15th Tehran tourism exhibit to help rejuvenate tourism industry

Jan 31, 2022, 9:33 AM
News ID: 84632590
15th Tehran tourism exhibit to help rejuvenate tourism industry

Tehran, IRNA - The 15th Tehran International Tourism and Related Industries Exhibition (TITE) was inaugurated in a situation that public vaccination mounted hopes for revival of tourism industry in Iran, an Iranian official said.

Iran's deputy tourism minister Ali-Asghar Shalbafian said in the opening ceremony of the 15th Tehran International Tourism and Related Industries Exhibition on Saturday that fortunately, mass vaccination has created an atmosphere of hope to revitalize tourism industry.

From October 23, 2021, the Islamic Republic restarted issuing visas following coronavirus-related restrictions, which helped increase domestic and foreign travels, Shalbafian noted, adding that the COVID-19 pandemic hit tourism industry hard, which needs all-out efforts by different organizations and bodies to compensate the losses in this business.  

In order to promote more interaction between tourism and handicrafts industries, this edition of the exhibition holds a joint fair, he added.

Training workshops, sessions to exchange experiences as well as expertise panels are among other activities to be held on the sidelines of the exhibition both virtually and physically, the deputy minister said.

According to the official, the total area of the exhibition has doubled to last year's event, indicating that a new chapter opens in the tourism industry.

Mohammad-Reza Dashti Ardakani, an Iranian legislator, said that the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi gives special importance to tourism industry, noting that Iran's development depends on culture.

Dashti Ardakani also urged Iranian ministries to showcase its activities and capacities concerning tourism in the next year exhibition.

Tourism promotes peace and friendship between Iranians and other nations, which can help the Islamic Republic get around illegal sanctions and illustrate its real face to the world countries, the lawmaker argued.

The 15th Tehran International Tourism and Related Industries Exhibition (TITE) kicked off on January 29 with the motto of "Tourism for Inclusive Growth." The four-day event will come to an end on February 1.

The exhibition opened in the presence of Minister of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Ezzatollah Zarghami and some other Iranian officials at Tehran International Exhibition Center.


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