Mar 16, 2021, 6:48 PM
News ID: 84266503
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Iran manages to ethically isolate, legally condemn US: Gov’t spox

Tehran, March 16, IRNA – Government spokesman Ali Rabiei said in his press conference on Tuesday that Iran managed to ethically isolate and legally condemn the US in the UN General Assembly and International Court of Justice (ICJ).

All the ill-wishers' attempts were for disintegrating Iran and damaging peoples' lives, which is coming to an end, Rabiei said.

He also said that Iran is still calling for peace and solving the disagreements in the regions, adding that Iran will not let its stabilizing and well-wishing will for the regional countries be affected by US empty ballyhoo.

The spokesman of the government said Iran is sure that in the near future, the US government will have no choice but to join the world peace process and ending the oppression against Iran.

The US used the sanctions to either starve the people or change Iran into a police state, he said, noting that Iran did not let any one of the two scenarios take place.


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