Apr 2, 2019, 10:47 PM
News ID: 83263387
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UK to continue Iran's sanctions in post Brexit era

Apr 2, 2019, 10:47 PM
News ID: 83263387
UK to continue Iran's sanctions in post Brexit era

London, April 2, IRNA - As approaching to Brexit deadline, London has prepared a set of especial rules to continue sanctions against Iran.

After UK withdrawal from the European Union (EU), many of the EU regulations should turn out to be domestic laws.

Despite the fact that UK parliament in its 2018 law on Brexit has completely changed all regulations into domestic ones, but the UK government has prepared a special document to change EU sanctions against Iran to its internal regulations.

The regulations in 52 pages and 78 chapters have been presented to UK parliament on March 7 and will be officially announced after UK withdrawal from EU.

Based on the document, ratification of the mentioned regulations have been aimed to enable UK to implement its sanctions against Iran efficiently after Brexit.

The document added that sanctions regulations will be running inside UK land and water territories and will include all citizens inside and outside the country.

The EU has passed two sets of sanctions against Iran first those related to Iran nuclear program and second sanctions aiming to encourage Iran to 'obey human rights'.

According to the document, the UK sanctions are to encourage Iran to 'abandon nuclear weapons program', restrict the ability of Iran to 'develop nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons delivery systems' and to promote implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)

After the JCPOA came into effect on January 16, 2016, EU suspended some of its sanctions against Iran.

This is while as per the document, restricted goods including military goods, missile-list goods, nuclear-list goods, graphite and relevant metals and restricted technology meaning military technology, missile-list technology, nuclear-list technology and relevant enterprise resource planning software are still in place.

Based on the JCPOA, if Iran complies with its commitments, the suspended sanctions will be lifted and arms sanctions will be suspended on October 2023.

But it is not seen in the document and instead UK will be permitted to decide independently on lifting or escalating sanctions after Brexit.

Meanwhile, the document listed sanctions against Iran into three categories of financial, immigration and trade.

By immigration sanctions, it means that the Secretary of State may direct that, in relation to any person within immigration regulations whose name is specified, or who is of a specified description, will be subject to specified exceptions.

According to Iran Foreign Ministry report, 129 Iranian individuals and entities have remained in EU sanction list.

The UK government seems to aim at keeping the name of them in the sanction list after Brexit.

Trump earlier announced on May 8, 2018, the withdrawal from the JCPOA, which was condemned by other parties to the 2015 agreement and their emphasis to stay in the landmark international deal.

Meanwhile, earlier on Tuesday, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano underlined the fact that Iran has complied with its commitments under the nuclear deal.

'The implementation in Iran of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, Additional Protocol, and additional transparency measures under the JCPOA amounts to the most robust verification system in existence any here in the world,' he added.


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