
162 results found.
  • Ayatollah Sistani sends message of condolence on martyrdom of President Raisi

    Ayatollah Sistani sends message of condolence on martyrdom of President Raisi

    Tehran, IRNA - Ayatollah Seyed Ali Sistani, the Supreme Marjah of Shiites of Iraq, in a message condoled the martyrdom of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the accompanying delegation, and sympathized with the nation and the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    ... According to the official news agency of Iraq (WAA), Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, the Supreme Shia Marja of Iraq, in... his message of condolence to the Iranian nation, stated that the news of the death of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi and...

  • Senior Iranian officials condole martyrdom of Raisi

    Senior Iranian officials condole martyrdom of Raisi

    Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s high-ranking authorities have expressed condolences on the martyrdom of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage.

    ... en route to the inauguration of the “Tabriz Refinery Upgrade Project” in the Dizamar forest area between the village of... of the Expediency Council, Ali Larijani, said that the news of martyrdom saddened every Iranians. God willing, his...

  • Regional leaders offer condolences over martyrdom of Iran's president, FM

    Regional leaders offer condolences over martyrdom of Iran's president, FM

    Tehran, IRNA – Regional leaders have issues messages of condolence to Iran due to martyrdom of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

    ... government of Iran over the martyrdom of President Raisi. “Unfortunately, we received the sad news of the death of President... Qalasi Dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan en route to the inauguration of the "Tabriz Refinery Upgrade Project" in the...

  • Yemeni army hits British vessel amid tensions with US, UK

    Yemeni army hits British vessel amid tensions with US, UK

    Tehran, IRNA – The Yemeni army has carried out yet another attack in the Red Sea, this time targeting a British vessel amid tensions over the UK-US joint aggression against the Arab country to protect Israeli maritime interests in the region.

    ... A Yemeni military source has been quoted by Al Jazeera that the British vessel was en route to an Israeli port in the... quoted by Russia’s Sputnik news agency as saying that the US and the UK despite their attacks, have failed to protect Israeli...

  • Talks on Gaza useless without ceasefire: Russian FM

    Talks on Gaza useless without ceasefire: Russian FM

    Tehran - IRNA - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the UN Security Council that any discussion on the future of the Gaza Strip is useless without an immediate ceasefire there.

    ... initiatives to stop the bloodshed in Gaza and has given Israel a "blank check" to punish the Palestinians en masse. “To date... led to tragedy, the Russian Foreign Minister was quoted by Anadolu news agency. Current assessments indicate that Gaza...

  • Who is Johan Floderus, the proxy agent of the Zionist regime, and why did Sweden keep silent about him for 500 days?

    Who is Johan Floderus, the proxy agent of the Zionist regime, and why did Sweden keep silent about him for 500 days?

    It is good to start with this question that why the Swedish national has got involved in the proxy mission of Israel, for which he is paying the price.

    ... this arrest as much as possible by controlling the news about Floderus, because the Swedish government not only failed to...-Gottorp, and several other high state officials. ( King Charles...

  • IRNA English launches upgraded version of its website

    IRNA English launches upgraded version of its website

    Tehran, IRNA – The Islamic Republic News Agency has unveiled a new version of its English website offering more diversified content across various news categories.

    ... The upgraded version of the website, which is still accessible at was unveiled in early December.... It offers new categories of news and analysis, including under its Iran and World sections, while providing easier access...

  • Leaked documents show US pressured Pakistan to remove Imran Khan: Report

    Leaked documents show US pressured Pakistan to remove Imran Khan: Report

    Tehran, IRNA – The United States pressured the Pakistani government to remove Imran Khan as prime minister last year, a US-based news outlet has reported, citing a classified Pakistani government

    ..., which he has dismissed. The American news outlet, citing a secret cable called “cypher”, says that last year's no... launched as Khan was en route to Moscow, a visit that infuriated Washington." According to the secret document, which The...

  • Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Sept 12

    Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Sept 12

    Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Monday, September 12, 2022:

    ... with strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, Venezuelan news agency EFE quoted Sunday the... registered their names to participate in the exhibition, 180 companies of which have been approved. --Iran’s ‘Zoo’ En...

  • Sistan-Baluchestan to host 3rd Int'l Congress on Water Desalination

    Sistan-Baluchestan to host 3rd Int'l Congress on Water Desalination

    Zahedan, IRNA--- University of Sistan-Baluchestan will host the third International Congress on Water Desalination on September 14-16, 2021.

    ... congress can visit the website ( or (

  • Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on July 12

    Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on July 12

    Tehran, IRNA - The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Monday:

    ... of the association said that Zionist settlers intend to desecrate the compound en masse on July 18, on the anniversary of... across the country,” Deputy Industry Minister Saeed Zarandi told Mehr News Agency on Sunday. “Since earlier this year...

  • Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on June 20

    Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on June 20

    Tehran, June 20, IRNA - The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Sunday:

    ... officials thanked the Iranian people for taking part en masse in the election and extended felicitations to the president-elect... face death penalty only because they took part in pro-democracy rallies in 2011, the Saudi Leaks news website reported...

  • Iran ready to augment oil output by 1m bpd

    Iran ready to augment oil output by 1m bpd

    Tehran, April 19, IRNA – Iran newspaper has reported that Iran enjoys the capacity of producing around four million bpd crude oil saying that the output capacity currently stands at 2.3 bpd and there is consensus that Iran has augmented oil output despite sanctions.

    ... that the good news is that the amount of oil production and export has reached its top level within two years since the re... production in March. One million bpd Iranian oil en route to China Wall Street Journal wrote that the production...

  • Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on March 13

    Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on March 13

    Tehran, March 13, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in the English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Saturday:

    ... was targeted by a terrorist attack en route to Europe in the Mediterranean Sea earlier this week. Ali Ghiasi, the IRISL... Group’s spokesman, told Nour News that an explosion object had hit the container ship — identified as Shahr-e Kord — as it was...

  • Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on December 10

    Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on December 10

    Tehran, Dec 10, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in the English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Thursday:

    ... Yemen’s Supreme Political Council says the United States is killing Yemeni civilians en masse in order to keep production at... of the Week. - Photo Contest Held in Honor of General Soleimani The Roudaki Foundation is holding a news photo...

  • Abai, legacy of world literature in Kazakhstan

    Abai, legacy of world literature in Kazakhstan

    Nur Sultan, October 3, IRNA - The name of Abai who is a classic not only of Kazakh but of all world literature. The positive reception of Abai's creativity helps to strengthen the spiritual and intellectual image of Kazakhstan.

    ... Kazakh culture and folklore but world literature as well, reported by Kazinform News Agency. Almost every modern state can... “Abai Kounanbaiouly. Reflexions en prose, poèmes “Iskander” et “Masgoud” was published as well. In Turkish, “Selected Works...

  • Offical: Fuel cargo to Venezuela seized by US never belonged to Iranian

    Offical: Fuel cargo to Venezuela seized by US never belonged to Iranian

    Tehran, Aug 19, IRNA – Head of the Presidential Office Mahmoud Vaezi dismissed the US claim of confiscating four Iranian tankers and said it is every country's right to buy and sell oil in international waters.

    ... "The cargo of four tankers seized by the United States last week en route to Venezuela was no longer Iranian property... Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston." Iran's Ambassador to Venezuela...

  • Zarif: Cheap propaganda doesn’t deflect from US miserable failure at UN

    Zarif: Cheap propaganda doesn’t deflect from US miserable failure at UN

    Tehran, Aug 15, IRNA - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message referred to US recent allegation against Iran with regard to seizure of four Iranian tankers by the US, saying hollow and cheap propaganda doesn’t deflect from miserable failure of the US diplomatic malpractice at UN.

    ... Ambassador to Venezuela Hojat Soltani reacted to the false news on the seizure of four Iranian tankers by the US and termed it as... Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston." 9376**2050...

  • Ambassador dismisses claim of seizure of Iranian tankers as "lie"

    Ambassador dismisses claim of seizure of Iranian tankers as "lie"

    Tehran, Aug 14, IRNA – Iran's Ambassador to Venezuela Hojat Soltani reacted to the false news on the seizure of four Iranian tankers by the US and termed it as yet another lie by the propaganda

    ... In a twitter post on Friday, the Ambassador rejected the fake news that the US has seized four tankers carrying... by the US," it said, "The Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route...

  • Judiciary Spox terms US jet fighters' aggression as illegal, inhumane

    Judiciary Spox terms US jet fighters' aggression as illegal, inhumane

    Tehran, July 28, IRNA - Spokesman for the Judiciary Gholam Hossein Esmaeili described recent aggression of the US jet fighters against Iranian passenger plane in the Syrian airspace as an illegal and inhumane act.

    ... the issue through legal and diplomat way for preventing such brutal act, he added. Mahan Air passenger plane was en... taken to hospital. In response to a question with regard to case of Ruhollah Zam- administrator of Amad News...