May 20, 2024, 9:34 AM
Journalist ID: 5331
News ID: 85482994
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Regional leaders offer condolences over martyrdom of Iran's president, FM

Tehran, IRNA – Regional leaders have issues messages of condolence to Iran due to martyrdom of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

The Popular Resistance Committees, a coalition of Palestinian resistance groups, have honored the memory of the martyrs President Raisi and Foreign Minister  Amirabdollahian.

According to the Iraqi Al-Nujaba TV, the Popular Resistance Committees issued a statement on Monday, announcing, "With deep sorrow and grief, we honor the memory of Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, and their accompanying delegation, who were martyred in the painful incident of the helicopter crash."

The committees also emphasized that Palestine and its people and resistance would never forget the services that martyrs Ayatollah Raisi and Amirabdollahian rendered for the Palestinian nation and cause.

Prime Minister of Iraq Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani conveyed his condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and their accompanying entourage to the Supreme Leader, the government, and the people of Iran.

Leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement Ammar al-Hakim expressed his condolences in a message over the martyrdom of the Iranian president and his companions in the helicopter crash incident.

Former Iraq President Barham Salih expressed his condolences to the nation and government of Iran over the martyrdom of President Raisi. “Unfortunately, we received the sad news of the death of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian and their companions," he wrote on the X social network on Monday evening, according to IRNA

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas expressed its condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi and his accompanying delegation to the Supreme Leader, the government, and the people of Iran.

The Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan Sardar Sadiq, along with various Pakistani people, expressed sorrow and regret over the martyrdom of President Raisi and his companions in the helicopter incident, saying that the government and people of Pakistan are sharing the grief of the Iranian nation.

The Government of National Salvation of Yemen and its officials have in separate messages expressed their condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi, FM Amirabdollahian, and their accompanying delegation, to the Supreme Leader, the government, and the people of Iran.

In a statement, Acting Third Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs of the interim government in Afghanistan Abdul Kabir expressed condolences over the martyrdom of the Iranian president and his companions in the helicopter incident.

President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, in a message, expressed his condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi, and his accompanying delegation, expressing solidarity with the officials and people of Iran.

Secretary-General of the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council Jassim Mohammed Al-Budaiwi expressed condolences over the martyrdom of the Iranian president, the foreign minister and their entourages, stating that the Council expresses solidarity with the government and people of Iran in this difficult situation.

Expressing condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi and his accompanying delegation, President of Syria Bashar al-Assad stated that the sincerity of the president of Iran in his work and his sense of responsibility led him to attain the lofty rank of martyrdom, and he was martyred in the path of fulfilling his duty and serving [the people].

King of Jordan Abdullah II expressed condolences over the martyrdom of the Iranian president and the foreign minister, and stressed that his country expresses solidarity with Iran in these difficult circumstances.

In a message, Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim ibn Hamad Al Thani expressed condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi, FM Amirabdollahian, and their accompanying delegation.

The United Arab Emirates’ government also expressed condolences over the martyrdom of the top Iranian officials to the government and people of Iran.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in a message, conveyed his condolences to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei over the martyrdom of President Raisi and his companions.

Further, Uzbek Foreign Minister Bakhtiyor Saidov expressed his condolences over the martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raisi and Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.

Voicing condolences on the demise of his Iranian counterpart, Foreign Minister of Lebanon Abdallah Rashid Bou Habib told Al Mayadeen TV network, "We have lost a respected friend and a distinguished personality in foreign policy."

In a message, President of Iraq Abdul Latif Rashid expressed his condolences to the leadership and people of Iran over the martyrdom of President Raisi, and his entourages in the helicopter crash incident.

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon expressed condolences over the demise of President Raisi and his companions, expressing sympathy with the people and government of Iran.

President of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas expressed his sincere condolences to the government and people of Iran over the demise of President Raisi, and FM Amir-Abdollahian as well as their companions.

President of the Philippines Bongbong Marcos expressed condolences over the demise of his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raisi, in the helicopter incident near Tabriz. 

Leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi, in a message, expressed condolences over the demise of President Raisi and his accompanying delegation.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud offered condolences over the demise of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation to the Iranian government and nation.

In a statement, The Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement conveyed its condolences to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, and the Iranian nation over the martyrdom of President Raisi and FM Amirabdollahian as well as their companions.

The head of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Nechirvan Barzani offered condolences over the martyrdom of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.

Voicing condolences on the demise of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation, Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon Nabih Berri said that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic world lost a set of progressive and revolutionary leaders.

Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tariq expressed his condolences in a message to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and Iranians over the martyrdom of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation.

Secretary general of the Iraqi resistance movement Al-Nujaba Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi offered condolence over the martyrdom of the Iranian president and his companions in the helicopter crash incident, noting that Ayatollah Raisi’s services were not limited to the Islamic Republic's borders, but he had an explicit and clear jihadi role in all matters related to the Islamic world.

Lebanon’s Amal Movement, in a message, conveyed its condolences to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, and Iranians over the martyrdom of President Raisi and his companions.

In a message, Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa expressed his condolences to the leadership and people of Iran over the martyrdom of President Raisi and his entourage in the helicopter crash incident.

In a statement, Iraqi resistance group Kata’ib Hezbollah expressed condolences over the demise of President Raisi and his companions, expressing sympathy with the people and government of Iran.

The leader of the Sadr Movement in Iraq, Muqtada al-Sadr, conveyed his condolences on his X page and extended his sympathy to the Islamic Republic of Iran for the martyrdom of President Raisi and several cabinet members, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian. He wished brotherhood, security, and independence for the nations of Iraq and Iran.

The Iraqi Secretary-General of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri, condoled the martyrdom of President Raisi and his entourage in the helicopter crash incident to Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the government, and Iranians, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic of Iran is successfully moving past the consequences of this tragic incident.

Abu Fadak Al-Mohammedawi, the chief of staff of Iraq's Shiite-led Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), also known as Hashd al-Shaabi, conveyed his condolences on his X page and extended his sympathy to Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the government, and people for the martyrdom of President Raisi and his companions. He noted that the loss of Ayatollah Raisi, who was a friend of Iraq and its nation, is a major loss.

Leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Lebanon, Walid Jumblatt, in a message to Iran’s Supreme Leader, expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.

Jumblatt said: “I hope that God will grant stability and prosperity to Iran and its nation”.

Taymur Walid Jumblatt, Lebanese politician of the Druze community and a representative of the Progressive Socialist Party in parliament, also expressed his condolences to Iran’s Supreme Leader.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Miqdad, in a message of condolence over the martyrdom of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian, said: "Iran and the Islamic Ummah lost two prominent officials who were dedicated to serving the country and the Islamic Ummah”.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan expressed his condolences on the death of Ebrahim Raisi and Hossein Amirabdollahian, calling them “friend and brother."

Mohammed Abdul Kabir, political deputy of Afghanistan's caretaker government, said in a message expressing his condolences: "Kabul stands by Tehran in these hours of grief."

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi and an accompanying team. In a message, he told Iran’s Supreme Leader and First Vice President that “Raisi was an outstanding statesman who spent his whole life serving the interests of Iran, improving the welfare of people, and maintaining stability in the region.”

Leader of the Republic of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, in his condolence message to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, wrote: Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi was an outstanding politician and statesman whose tremendous efforts had increased the prosperity and success of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the people of this country.

The National Security Advisor of Iraq Qasim al-Araji expressed condolences on the martyrdom of President Raisi and his companions in the helicopter crash incident in East Azerbaijan province and recalled their influence in bolstering peace in the region.

The Al-Wefaq National-Islamic Society of Bahrain also voiced condolences over the martyrdom of President Raisi, FM Amirabdollahian, and their entourage in the helicopter crash incident in East Azerbaijan province, pointing to the great role of the Iranian martyrs in defending the Palestinian cause.

On Sunday, President Raisi was returning a ceremony to open the Qiz Qalasi Dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan en route to the inauguration of the "Tabriz Refinery Upgrade Project" in the Dizamar forest area between the village of Ouzi and Pir Davoud when his helicopter crashed in Varzaqan region. Ayatollah Al-Hashemi, the representative of the Supreme Leader; and Malek Rahmati, the Governor of East Azerbaijan, were among the other passengers of the helicopter who lost their lives in this incident.


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