Feb 29, 2024, 7:53 PM
News ID: 85402789
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Iran FM: Democracy, human rights in Iran much stronger than in Britain

London, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has emphasized that the Iranian government and system rely on the people’s support, noting that unequivocally, democracy and human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran today are much stronger than those in the UK.

Amirabdollahian made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Britain Channel 4 News.

The top Iranian diplomat underlined, “If a referendum, is to be held in Iran and at the same time in Britain on people’s support of their regime, have no doubt Britain will be the loser.”

In reaction to the claim that 75% of voters will not participate in the upcoming election in Iran and they lost faith in the Iranian government, Amirabdollahian said, “Firstly, how did you come up with 75% for such a claim? Secondly, since the victory of the Revolution until today, every year we have had at least one free election with the participation of all people in Iran. The third point is that, in Iran, we encourage people to participate. However, we do not impose punitive policies on those who do not participate in the election. While in many Western countries, if a person does not participate in the election, they face temporary social deprivation or even fines.”

He added, “No, your statistics are completely the opposite. We have a high turnout. In our region, Iran is one of the strongest democracies. However, the riots that you mentioned, I addressed in my yesterday’s speech (on the United Nations Human Rights Council). I said, “Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember? Monthes ago, following the tragic death of a dear Iranian girl, what an uproar it caused in the Human Rights Council? A fact-finding committee was formed. Five months into genocide and massacres of Palestinian women and children in Gaza, by bombs from Western countries; bombs provided by the United States, Britain, and some other countries to Israel, so many women and children are being killed. Why no one in the Human Rights Council thinks of forming a fact-finding committee?”

Amirabdollahian further noted, “This is the very double standard democracy and human rights that we witness from the West today.”

He underlined, “Democracy and human rights in Iran has its roots in our beliefs and thousands of years of civilization. I unequivocally tell you that democracy and human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran today is much stronger than democracy and human rights in Britain. If you disagree, I invited you to come to Iran on Friday and see it for yourself the high turnout in the elections and people deciding their own fate.”

In reaction to the question whether he is more afraid of the Iranian people or Donald Trump if he is elected as the president of the United States, He answered, “British interference and instilling such incorrect narratives by Britain on Iranian society, I would like to add that your assessments or the information you possess about Iran are completely biased and entirely fabricated and artificial. Our government and our system relies on the people’s support. If you take a look at the images if tens of millions of Iranians rallying on the recent anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, you will realize that your information is completely wrong.”

Trump or any other president in the United States is judged by us based on his acts. It is up to the American people to choose their leader.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Amirabdollahian referred to war in Gaza, noting, “We welcome an end to the genocide in Gaza."

"Since the beginning of the Israeli regime’s attacks on Gaza and West Bank, we have explicitly said that war is not the solution and it must be stopped as soon as possible, and the massacre of Palestinians must come to an end. And also, the human siege of Palestinians must be lifted.”

He added, “Two weeks ago, I met with Hamas leaders and some Palestinian resistance groups in the region. They suggested very progressive ideas that would secure the rights of the Palestinian people and change the course of the war, and can also guarantee a sustainable security in the region.”

“We believe any ceasefire must be within the framework of the Palestinians, and we respect any agreement supported by the Palestinians and in particular Hamas."

The top Iranian diplomat emphasized, “The Islamic Republic of Iran opposes killing of women, children, and civilian in any part of the world”.


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