Mar 23, 2023, 9:01 PM
News ID: 85064631
1 Persons


Iran condemns Zionist regime attack on Aleppo Int'l Airport

Mar 23, 2023, 9:01 PM
News ID: 85064631
Iran condemns Zionist regime attack on Aleppo Int'l Airport

New York, IRNA – Iran's Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Zahra Ershadi condemned the Zionist regime's attack against Syria's Aleppo International Airport, calling it violation of international humanitarian laws and UN Charter, as well as serious threat to regional peace and stability.

Ershadi who was speaking at Thursday meeting of the UN Security Council about the status of humanitarian and political humanitarian aids to Syria said, "The international laws prohibit attacks at vital and non-military structures, and observation of the humanitarian rule is a dire necessity, but the Zionist regime still keeps its aggressive and terroristic attacks against Syrian sovereign political system and puts at stake that country's territorial integrity by intentional and systematic targeting of Syria's vital infrastructures."

The full text of the speech is as follows:

Mr. President,

We thank, Mr. Pedersen and Mr. Talahma for their informative and insightful briefings.

The humanitarian situation in Syria remains challenging, particularly after the recent devastating earthquake.

We commend the UN and humanitarian agencies that are tirelessly working to provide essential support and relief to those affected in Aleppo, Hama, and Lattakia.

However, despite these efforts, the latest OCHA report highlights that resource gaps persist and need urgent attention.

We call on the international community and donors to continue providing support for humanitarian efforts in Syria.

We hope that Mr. Griffiths' recent visit to Syria on 21 March, where he met and consulted with Syrian authorities, will result in an increase and improvement in the delivery of aid and support to those in need.

We applaud the Syrian Government's ongoing efforts to promote and ease humanitarian access to all parts of Syria.

We urge that Resolution 2672 (2023) be fully implemented, with a focus on early recovery projects that seek to reconstruct crucial infrastructure, which is a necessity for all Syrians, as well as improving cross-line aid operations.

These efforts will not only provide urgently needed relief to the Syrian people but also pave the way for sustainable, long-term development.

It is also crucial that humanitarian aid is provided impartially and without discrimination, free from politicization, or any other conditions.

This is vital to ensure that the most vulnerable individuals receive the assistance they require and that humanitarian efforts are not hindered by external factors.

In the meantime, the international community must focus on lifting the inhumane unilateral sanctions to address the current humanitarian crisis more effectively.

These unlawful measures have made it extremely challenging for the Syrian people to access basic needs, hindering the Syrian government's ability to provide essential services and improve living conditions.

Mr. President,

As a friend of Syria, Iran stands in solidarity with the Syrian people during these difficult days and remains dedicated to providing them with the support and aid they require to overcome this challenging situation.

Iran was one of the first countries to respond to Syrian humanitarian appeals and has sent humanitarian shipments including both essential supplies and food and non-food items to the affected areas.

Also, on March 9th, our Foreign Minister led a delegation to visit the earthquake-affected areas in Latakia. During the visit, he reaffirmed Iran's commitment to supporting Syria and remarked that Iran has been and will continue to be a steadfast friend to the Syrian people and Government during their most challenging days.

Mr. President,

Although international law prohibits targeting critical civilian infrastructure and upholding humanitarian principles is imperative, the Israeli regime continues its aggressions and terrorist attacks against Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity by deliberately and systematically targeting Syrian critical infrastructure.

In a continuation of its aggressions and terrorist acts, the Israeli regime launched several airstrikes on the Aleppo International Airport on March 7, temporarily closing it. Another terrorist attack occurred just yesterday, on March 22nd.

These terrorist attacks have severe humanitarian consequences for the people of Aleppo, who are already facing a humanitarian crisis, and only worsen their situation.

We strongly condemn these heinous crimes as they targeted civilian infrastructure and violate international humanitarian law and the UN Charter, posing a severe threat to regional peace and stability.

The international community must come together to condemn these attacks and hold the Israeli regime accountable for these violations and take the required action to prevent further aggression on Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In particular, the Security Council must reject its double standards and take responsibility by explicitly condemning the Israeli regime for its ongoing violation of the fundamental principles of international law and the UN Charter.

Mr. President,

To ensure a lasting and effective political solution to the Syrian crisis, we remain steadfast in our belief that a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process, facilitated by the United Nations, is the only viable approach to ending the crisis.

While we reaffirm our commitment to the national sovereignty, independence, unity territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, we, together with our Astana format partners, will continue our tireless efforts to achieve long-term and sustainable normalization in and around Syria.

We also reaffirm our strong support for the ongoing work of the Constitutional Committee and commend the Special Envoy for his unwavering and ongoing efforts to facilitate the meeting of the committee as well as his ongoing contacts with Syrian parties, which represent important steps towards advancing the political process.

Mr. President,

The illegal presence of foreign military forces in Syria constitutes a blatant violation of the UN Charter and international law and is the primary source of insecurity in the country.

We call for the immediate and complete withdrawal of these forces, which is essential to creating a conducive environment for resolving the crisis and restoring peace and stability in the region. 

Finally, Mr. President, we welcome the recent and increased diplomatic contacts between Syria and regional and international partners. Improving Syrian diplomatic relations within the region and beyond is critical for ensuring Syria's security, stability, and prosperity.

Such improvements, in particular, can help in the safe and sustainable return of refugees and internally displaced persons, and we stand ready to assist in this regard.

I thank you, Mr. President


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