Nov 5, 2022, 12:23 AM
News ID: 84932749
1 Persons


FM: Some UNSC members divide terrorists to good and bad

Nov 5, 2022, 12:23 AM
News ID: 84932749
FM: Some UNSC members divide terrorists to good and bad

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in a letter addressed to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that not showing reaction by some UN Security Council (UNSC) members to Shiraz terrorist attack showed that they still divide terrorists to good and bad terrorists.

Criticizing the inaction of the UNSC about the Shiraz terrorist attack, Amirabdollahian has emphasized that the UNSC silence about that incidence shows that some world powers not only merely take instrumental advantage of those terrorist groups, but are also create obstacles in the way of that council for preforming its duties in campaign against terrorism.

The foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran in his letter addressed to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres also thanked the UN spokesman's communique in which he has condemned the Shiraz terrorist act, and elaborated on Iran's stances about the UNSC silence about the sad event.

The full text of Amirabdollahian's letter to Guterres is as follows:

You are aware that the great nation of Iran has been the target of yet another terrorist attack. Following previous terrorist attacks on Iranian citizens, diplomats, scientists, and peaceful nuclear facilities, on 26 October 2022, a sinister terrorist attack targeting pilgrims to the holy shrine of the Shah-e-Cheragh in Shiraz resulted in the martyrdom of 15 innocent Iranians, including men, women, and children, and the injury of 30 others.

This terrorist attack, for which ISIS/Daesh officially claimed responsibility, demonstrated the significance of the bravery of martyred General Qassem Soleimani in the fight against such a terrorist group as well as the necessity of protecting the security of nations of the region from dangers posed by this terrorist group, highlighted the importance of maintaining ongoing, successful efforts in the region to eradicate terrorism and reminded the international community that its sensitivity and vigilance toward terrorist threats should not be compromised.

In this regard, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the timely statement made by the United Nations spokesperson as well as Your Excellency's subsequent statement condemning the terrorist attack in Shiraz. The Islamic Republic of Iran views this responsible action as a significant and encouraging step in taking the United Nations towards a consistent and non-discriminatory approach to combat terrorism.

However, it was expected that the United Nations Security Council with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, which has repeatedly constituted terrorism as one of the most serious threats to international peace and security in its relevant resolutions and in line with its established practices, would strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Shiraz and call for the accountability and prosecution of those responsible for such heinous crime.

Nonetheless, the Security Council's inexcusable silence in the face of this crime demonstrated that some powers, who are also permanent members of the Security Council, continue to categorize terrorists as either good or bad, and not only use ISIS as a tool to exert pressure on other nations to further their own narrow political agendas, but also their discriminatory and irresponsible actions make it more difficult for the Security Council to effectively carry out its mandate in combating international terrorism.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a victim of terrorism and a pioneer in the fight against terrorist groups in the region, is steadfast in its determination to continue its efforts in the fight against terrorism, both to protect the security of the region's nations and the honorable and great nation of Iran from the dangers posed by such terrorist group.

I wish Your Excellency continued success in furthering the purposes of the United Nations and take this opportunity to renew the assurances of my highest consideration.


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