Apr 12, 2021, 11:02 PM
News ID: 84293438
1 Persons


Armenia and Iran exchange viewpoints on defense cooperation 

Apr 12, 2021, 11:02 PM
News ID: 84293438
Armenia and Iran exchange viewpoints on defense cooperation 

Tehran, April 12, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador to Yerevan, Abbas Barakhshan-Zohuri, in a meeting with the Head of the Joint Chief of Staff of Armenia Artak Davutian exchanged viewpoints with him on defense cooperation.

According to the Armenian media, General Davutian who hosted the Iranian plenipotentiary ambassador to Yerevan accompanied by the Iranian embassy's military attaché at his office, said that the two republics fortunately enjoy quite friendly ties.

Besides cooperation in defense field, preservation and further expansion of comprehensive bilateral ties were discussed between the two countries’ top political and military officials.


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